(no subject)

Jun 19, 2012 12:03

Etsy is driving me a little crazy. I know my store has only been open for 2 weeks, and I'm really happy and excited that I've gotten 2 custom orders (granted, from people I know) and a promise from a third that she will be buying something in the next couple of weeks, but....I want to actually be selling things. Directly. From the site.

It's both flattering and maddening that my store has been favorited 3 times, 5 of my items have been favorited, and 2 treasuries have been created featuring 2 of my items, but...NO ONE HAS BOUGHT ANYTHING!

I want to make more things...to add things that people may be interested in. But I can't buy the materials to make the things until I have some of my overhead covered...


* * *
The Littlest Big Spoon
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