A rare update

Feb 09, 2008 16:28

I never update my livejournal anymore. Probably because I am always on Facebook playing Scrabulous. Since I last updated this, I have bought a flat (with K), applied for a job outside the civil service, and had a barium enema x-ray. Plus I have got to the stage where I can nearly play my piano piece that I have been making up since 1995. I practise every day now. Christmas came and went, and K and I house-sat with little tigery silver-tabby kittens in Hammersmith.

The flat's near Nottingham town centre. We should be able to move in next month. Sorting out the paperwork and mortgage and all that stuff has been alarmingly easy so far.

I went to an assessment centre for the job I applied for yesterday. It was in Birmingham, although the job would be Nottingham-based. The test was under exam conditions, and sitting there in silence waiting for the bloke to say "...And start", I reflected on the fact I hadn't done an actual exam since June 2000. Except in my dreams: I am always having worry-dreams where I am about to do an exam and realise I haven't done any revision. The test was all right, but afterwards, while we were waiting for a taxi, I made the mistake of discussing it with two of the other candidates, and realised I had missed some important things out.

K and I just got back from a farmers' market where we bought lots of exciting foodstuffs like saltfish patties and all-butter flapjacks and trout pate and Portobello mushrooms and peach wine. We went to a cafe with K's work colleague and his baby daughter, who was also full of cold. Tonight I am off out in Nottingham with some friends I met in the internet. I was going to be staying overnight at a friend's house overnight, but I don't think I can face being out till 5am when I am trying to get over this rotten cold, and these particular friends do like their all-nighters.

Last Thursday, the day before the barium enema x-ray, I had to do the most intensely grim laxatives I have ever experienced. It was not something I would like to go through again. I felt as though the entire lining of my insides was being stripped. My mind went a bit odd. At one point, I was sitting cramp-ridden in bed feverishly trying to edit lines out of my diary of 1999.

I am about to have a bath with Radox so I had better log off before it overflows.
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