This time next year I will:
Finish Tarnish
This involves 15 chapters, or ~100k words at my average wordcount per chapter.
To achieve this I will write for half an hour/400 words a day at least. Regardless of writer's block. If it comes out crap, if I have to skip a chapter that's not working, if I can't make it work, so be it. Just write the damn thing, I can edit it later.
Be 70kg
This involves losing 13kg from where I am now. Most of this will happen over summer, though, so I'm aiming for 75kg by the end of summer (being when the weather turns shit, not necessarily Feb 29)
To achieve this I will continue riding to work and do my walk up to Belair and back every day. How feasible these things will be in 40+ or when it's pissing with rain is yet to be seen. Re-evaluation will come when winter hits. For the moment tho, capitalise on summer. Also, only have chippies and chocolate at the appropriate occasions. Footy is an appropriate occasion; feeling like chippies is not.
Prepare to look for a house
This involves figuring out what I can realistically afford to live in, work out a budget, see where I should be at the end of the year and BE THERE. This year involved a lot of buying things. Next year won't.
To achieve this I will only buy the stuff on
that list. Not
that one, tempting tho it may be. The Wüsthofs probably won't happen, either.
Have a design portfolio
This involves being an absolute Adobe pimp. Make InDesign (and to a lesser extent, Illustrator) my bitch as much as Photoshop is.
To achieve this I will create stuff! Work on that
list people gave me and actually get some shit on the internet. At least one solid folio piece a month.