(no subject)

Nov 04, 2011 21:22

Stick with what you love! You're a designer, damnit. Don't get turned off by the art theory that's part of the uni course. Seriously. By the time you get to uni, you'll love it. And journos get paid shit-all anyway so even that's not cool.

Those friends you've just made at your new school? They'll dump you in three years. I swear to all that is shiny it's not your fault. Don't ask for their reasoning: they're bitches, that's what you get for going to a rich bitch private school. But that's okay because that'll open you up to the entire world of the Internet and you'll make your best friends of your life there. They'll embrace everything awesome about you, they'll take you around the world, they'll get you into writing and they'll help you meet a thousand people in your head. And they'll stick around for a hell of a lot longer than three years.

In other news, I'm FINALLY able to pick up my Sallie package tomorrow! :DD Australia Post have been cockteases, telling me on Monday I could pick up my package BUT the bastards close at 5. I get home from work at roughly 5:05. So I've had to wait all week knowing it was there but not being able to do anything and ARG. Thankfully they're open Saturday morning so I can finally get it tomorrow yaaaaaay :D

I'm also going shoe shopping tomorrow. Again. I both hate and love it. According to the shoe world I have big feet, usually a 10 1/2. Sizing tends to stop at around 9 1/2, MAYBE a 10, but they never bloody fit. I pull four or five pairs off the racks that I would wear and love, they come back with one, maybe two of them in the biggest size they have, and they're too small so I walk out with nothing. I neeeeeed summer work shoes but they just don't exist for 'big feet'. You can find nice comfortable sandal-type things but they're better suited to shorts and a tshirt than an office environment. Tomorrow I WILL FIND SHOES >O Just you watch me.

Also: toast + cream cheese + smoked salmon trimmings + mangoes on special + fried egg = awesome dinner. That is all :D

food, package!, cooking, memes, shoes, shopping

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