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Apr 06, 2020 19:22

I'M AN AUNTIE! To an adorable little cherrub called Airlie, and about whom I've talked in a flocked post cos I don't want to release anything without Mumma's permission. But she's beautiful and I love her.

Australia update: Our curve is definitely flattening. No further restrictions, though idiots in Brisbane/Gold Coast and Perth keep going to the beach without socially distancing, so Gold Coast beaches are now closed and the WA premier's threatening to close Perth beaches if Perthlings don't pull their heads in. But that's it. Sydney's epicentre is Bondi. WHO FRIGGING KNEW, RIGHT? Geeze it's almost like there were thousands of people gathering at Bondi Beach two weeks ago or something! Jeusm Christmas. Anyway. We're doing well! Australia cases are at... 5700 I think? We hit 5000 late last week so that's definitely flattening. Few enough people in hospital so the health system isn't overloaded so we've still only had the 40 deaths.

SA in particular, we recorded 2 new cases yesterday, and 2 new cases today. A third of all our cases came from the damned Ruby Princess, another third came from other cruise ships, and the rest has been mostly two tour groups in the Barossa (a group of Americans and a group of Swiss, for some reason, didn't know Switzerland was a thing until then) and this cluster at the airport. Still no deaths, GO SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Of all the places in the world to be through this, I feel so, so goddamn lucky to be here for it. I know, it's still shit. People are still losing their jobs, businesses are still shutting down, but it's shit the world over. Australia: super low morbidity rate, awesome healthcare, curve flattening and yet we still have reasonable freedom. We're encouraged to stay home, groups of more than two are policed, any business involving groups of people is closed, but we can still go outside. We can still go to work, still go shopping, still go visit people. SA is the only state not fining people for gathering with more than two people. This is absolutely the best place in the world to be right now. I swear that's not SA bias talking, it just IS.

THAT SAID. I'm now home. I have two weeks 'leave', after which, shit knows :D This is why I look for the positives. Today I was only in to set up the booze client's EDM which needed links that only became valid today due to this period's specials only just going online. Apart from that, we got one order for the entire day. Once the booze client's stuff goes out later this week, there'll be a whole lot more twiddling of thumbs. So yes. I'm off, unless something happens where I can go into the office and do something.

Going to make the most of it tho, as is my wont. I'll be making a list of things to do, like use up all the stuff in the freezer (mostly it's stock, so presumably a lot of soup and risotto will be happening) and clean the bathroom, maybe fiddle with my web folio because I'm not entirely happy with it anymore, contact the bank and ask them about worst case scenarios. Keeping up the fitness will be harder, because until now I've pretty much been doing it after work, so I've already been out of the house and go to the beach or the botanic gardens or somewhere to do the said fitness. If I'm at home all day, tho, making myself leave the house just for that will be Tough. I'll DO MY BEST. I'm about 1.5kg away from my first reward purchase, which is socks. Trust me you guys this is more motivational than it sounds. My fitness sockies have lost their elastic and one has a hole in the ball of the foot. I need new sockies.

I got my yuzu tree! Went down to McLaren Vale on Saturday to pick it up and went for a walk in Onkaparinga Gorge afterwards. I'm super excited for this thing, which is supposedly going to start fruiting by next season, so that's pretty awesome. I'm used to citrus taking two or three seasons to start fruiting, so to only take a year, that's kickarse. I want to put it in a pot so I can take it with me when I eventually get a house, so I'm now considering half-wine barrels. That'll be a thing for the list over the coming two weeks.

So yeah. Things are all right. Everywhere's shit, but I'm so bloody glad I'm here for it.

'narti originally stuck this at Dreamwidth cos she lives there now.

covid-19, fitness, family, south australia, garden, work, australia, airlie

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