(no subject)

Mar 31, 2020 20:03

Booze client has sent through updated pricing for the next period, so we're still printing and I'm still doing their artwork, WOO. We stay open for another week! My café I'd been going to every day since last Monday in the interest of supporting for as long as I could shut up shop yesterday, tho. I at least got six lunches in there, tho.

Australia-in-general update: about 4500 cases and 19 deaths. SA in particular is at about 330 cases and the only state or territory with no deaths, go SA! Yesterday we only reported six new cases, but today was up to 32. Still, Australia is starting to flatten that goddamn curve. Hopefully. I mean, we've still gotta give it another week-ish until the effects of last weekend's (and subsequently, this week) restrictions actually materialise, but signs are positive. Also, yesterday the government announced a massive 'JobKeeper' grant, which equates to $1500 per fortnight per employee for businesses affected by the coronavirus measures, which we certainly are. The idea is of course to keep people in jobs, even if (like me) you're barely doing anything, but on the fabled 'other side' people are still in their job and can more easily bring the economy back. It also means fewer people in queues at Centrelink getting welfare because this is all being handled through the ATO instead. I got sliiiiightly teary hearing that one. It doesn't completely cover my salary, but I feel like it moves us more comfortably from 'when' we close to 'if' we close. I feel like we can get through this now.

I've started doing the Kayla Itsines fitness challenge this week, and my legs cane. Yesterday they felt like jelly and after today they hurt. Yesterday was resistence stuff for legs, so step ups, squats, lunges and so on, which I was going to do at the local gardens but they closed at 4 so I went to the beach. Today was 35 minutes of running, which I did not manage =( I've been trying to sort of work up to it through the last two weeks since Walk Week but the longest I've made it has been 26 minutes before breaking. Today I got to, like, 10 minutes. I'm blaming jelly legs. I'll get better!

Also, for the record, Adelaide beaches aren't crowded even in normal, peak-of-summer times. We Adelaideans generally like to have a good 10m between groups at LEAST, and frankly the bigger the space the better. Every time I've been to the beach these past two weeks I've seen, like, ten people between me and the distance. I've seen two ladies on benches, one at one end of the bench and the second at the far end of the bench next to it, having a socially distant conversation. I've seen people swerving to avoid other people. My local supermarket has hand sanitiser at every door and gloves to wear while in the store. On the escalator coming up the other day, I saw a bunch of three dudebros come in and each use their elbows to press the button and get sanitiser out without a word, except the one dudebro who went, 'Aww yeah, hand sanitiser!' I know people are big on posting about those flouting the social distancing but I like to notice the good. SA's the only state not enforcing fines for people breaking the 'no more than 2 people gathering' social distancing. Of all the countries to be in during this, I feel so, so goddamn lucky to be in Australia, and I feel like us and WA are doing the best here. Mostly us. We're doing SO much testing per capita you guys.

America, on the other hand, terrifies me. I mean, look at this shit, and Trump is proud of how America's doing? He is a horrifying man to have in control of America right now. 'We're leading the world in testing' OH MY GOD YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT. You were charging $1500 for tests for AGES. When South Korea was doing 20,000 tests a day, you'd done barely 5000 grand total. More than half of Australia's cases came from America. 'America sneezes and the world catches a cold,' and right now we're so goddamn scared of what's going on over there. China and Italy were/are bad, but America's the real one being held up as What Not to Do. Dunno how the rest of the world, especially the US itself, is reporting on that cos I've really just been stuck on the ABC the whole time but I'd be interested to know.

ENTIRELY UNRELATED I'm going to buy a yuzu tree this weekend :D I've been looking for one for ages, but they're so rare in Australia that you can only get them when they're in season, which I learned last year is now. So I just contacted one place that lists a bunch of uncommon citrus on their site, but not yuzu, in the hopes that maybe they do have them they just don't advertise. I just got an email back asking if I'd like them to label one for me to pick up asap. Hell yes I would. I'mma get that on Saturday. So that's exciting!

'narti originally stuck this at Dreamwidth cos she lives there now.

covid-19, fitness, australia, adelaide, garden, work

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