(no subject)

Jul 05, 2019 19:32

THANK GOD THIS WEEK IS OVER. It all started going horribly horribly wrong on Monday, when I was walking from the front door back to my desk and my back went boing and it has caned all week. So that hasn't helped.

Tuesday, I had a glitch on my computer which has happened before, where the bottom, like, 200px of Acrobat and Chrome just disappears. 'Sfine, just reboot and it'll work, and it did. But InDesign didn't. InDesign errored with its transparency plugin and crashed before it opened. Reboot, still sucked. Uninstall and reinstall, and a different error happened, another plugin crashed, but it was okay! I could still load InDesign! I had an urgent thing to do so that error would have to be fixed later. Finished the InDesign portion, opened up Photoshop to convert the PDF to JPGs, and Photoshop crashed before it opened. Also, Acrobat crashed midway through opening. FINE, I'll Google the only error message I'm getting and fix it that way.

Chrome wouldn't open, also crashing before it opened.

OKAY. FINE. I HAVE MY LAPTOP I'll just do the Photoshopping bit on N00b, it's FINE, I just need to get this goddamn EDM* DONE and then I'll sort out my computer. Get that done, save the JPGs and move them back to my PC, open Chrome to login to the--oh right Chrome's broken. Open Edge to login to the--nope Edge is also broken this is going WELL. Open Firefox to login to the EDM website! Yes! Firefox works! FUCK I can't remember the password and it's saved in Chrome. Thankfully Excel works and I can get the password there.

The password doesn't work. Some bright spark at [client] HQ has changed the password without thinking of the ramifications. My main contact is in Melbourne and my second contact isn't available. Call the people who run their EDM stuff to ask if they can reset the password for me, they need to get confirmation from HQ to be able to do that.



Told boss about it and we called our outsourced IT guys to fix my broken machine.

For the rest of Tuesday and entirety of Wednesday I was on a secondary machine, which had a 4-year-old install of Adobe CC and wouldn't upgrade unless I logged in and I couldn't get the goddamn password, but half my files wouldn't open because they were made with a newer version of InDesign. And I had to use Webmail.

Oh and late on Tuesday I finally got the password reset for the EDM login, so I managed to get that off on Wednesday morning. Late, but at least client told me not to stress about it, having the marketing email go out a day late wasn't the end of the world.

And through all this my back still canes and I just hate everything.

Finally, yesterday, my computer was fixed to the point where all I had to do was uninstall CC and reinstall again. Easy, I can do that. Takes an hour but whatever I can do that.

I can't do that. Acrobat won't uninstall. Call up IT and make him do it.

Get back from lunch, it's uninstalled! Now I just have to reinstall everything! HOME STRAIGHT, BABY!


ACROBAT WON'T INSTALL!!!!!!!!!!!11111111

Today I gave up trying to fix it. If I needed Acrobat I'd just copy the file to the server, go over to the secondary machine, make whatever PDF edits I needed to make and go back to my borked machine. I already had people asking me where their stuff was because I hadn't been able to do it at all. I dread going in on Monday, but I've gotta get Acrobat back up and running. Jesum Christmas. Maybe my back will be fixed by then and I at least won't have that pain anymore.

After work today I went to Red Cacao to get a hot chocolate and some truffles while I finished a chapter, so that was much better. Now I have a weekend where I can do nothing and heal and work on computers that function. I hate this week. So glad it's over.

* Electronic Direct Mail. Marketing email.

'narti originally stuck this at Dreamwidth cos she lives there now.

i hate everything, tech fail, work

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