Media Consumed

Jul 01, 2019 19:49

Let's catch up on some shit! Here is media consumed this year. There will be spoilers but I'll warn of them.

In a nutshell, a detective in LA teams up with a civilian consultant to do a police procedural show, except the civilian consultant is the Devil. He owns a nightclub cos he got bored of torturing souls in Hell. IT'S SO MUCH FUN I love everyone on this show. Well, all the mainstays. Didn't much care for the whole mother of the Devil plotline but whatever. Anyway.

I just finished bingeing it yesterday. Again. I've now watched it twice. I've never done that with a tv show before and Idk quite why? I mean it pings all my character types (justified arrogance who is then brought down a peg with bonus points for that arrogance being character's downfall and/or the arrogance is hiding insecurities even from themselves, complete dick and yet somehow charming but still mostly a dick, character who tries so goddamn hard but fails anyway either from outside sources they can't control or because they just suck. Also kickarse ladies)... I possibly just answered my own query. IT'S SO GOOD. Whenever he gets emotional I just aslkjdgbaskldgbas yes plz.

Especially now the [spoilers]cockblocking of showing Chloe his face has finally ended.[/spoilers] ALSO I love that every time he's shown his face, especially to actual characters an not just crims-of-the-week, nobody just gets over it. Everyone takes episodes and episodes to come to terms with it, many never do and go completely insane. I appreciate that.

Game of Thrones
This entire section is spoilers, cos duh. I have Feelings on the final season, but nowhere near as fierce as the rest of the Internet seems to have. I'd sum it up as 'not bad'. The actual plot points and such I'm fine with, I just think if it'd had one or two more episodes, it would have been significantly more awesome, a bit more time to show Daenerys losing it, maybe give her better reason for actually setting fire to the entire goddamn city, which she's never done before. Also drop more hints on Bran being king. Because of his personal story? Hell no. No, build up that he knows the entire history of Westeros instead of having everyone but Tyrion treat that as a weird gimmicky quirk they don't care to understand. Also, kill Jon Snow. I have no idea why he lived, honestly. I frigging love him (see also: characters who try so goddamn hard but fail either due to outside forces they can't control or just because they suck) but dude had the flimsiest reason for not being killed. It's Game of Thrones for god's sake. Just kill 'im. I do like the irony that he ends up right back where he started at the Wall, but Jesum Christmas. How did Grey Worm not kill him? Bronn should also have carked it in season seven. He did absolutely nothing this season.

Anyway. Stuff I liked far outweighed the stuff I didn't. Arya has cemented her place as my favourite character. GIRL HAD SO MANY DEATH FLAGS THIS SEASON OMFG and she survived them ALL. I was convinced she was going to die in the library where all the undead were swarming, then again when the Night King grabbed her--legit CHEERED and clapped like the Crows had scored a winning goal with 20 seconds left on the clock, omfg Arya, I've never openly cheered at a TV show before when I've been on my own--and AGAIN when she was in King's Landing. Most badarse character ever and omfg I love her. Loved Brienne the whole way through, her knighting and having so much faith in Jamie. Loved Jamie continuing to be a dick despite all that. Still love Dany despite the rushed fall from grace. So yeah. I enjoyed it! I just wish there had been another episode or two to just build up what was going to go down.

I may be slightly biased after Dexter let me down when it was building up for a Bad End for Dexter, and instead killed my favourite character, sent his son off to live with his serial killer girlfriend in South America and Dexter went off to be a lumberjack in Canada. Dexter truly sets the bar for worst series finale ever.

Avengers: Endgame
I'm still not sure on my feelings on this one. I understand what they were going for with Thor but it didn't quite come off. I feel like this is a handoff of the original mob to the newbies, what with all the deaths and dying and such, but Thor's still in existence so who knows, he may be back. He's become a favourite (see: characters who try so goddamn hard but end up failing becaus--y'know what you get it by now) alongside Tony Stark (see: dicks. Also justified arrogance that hides insecurities. Also characters who try so goddamn hard but end upaklsjdghals). Loved the shot of all the ladies kicking arse at once but at the same time TWO ladies got fridged for the damn soul stone and I didn't like that. Guess we're not getting that Black Widow movie, then =/

That pretty much covers it. I mean there's been other stuff but they're the big ones. X-Men: Dark Phoenix was pretty great, also felt like a nicely rounded end to the storyverse so they can theoretically do-over. Like, properly, with a timeline that makes sense and everything.

Mostly Lucifer. omg I want more of that show.


EDIT Arin just called Dan a wanker and I've never been so sure in my life that wanker is nnnnnnnnot an American word. First 'good onya' and 'stoked' now 'wanker,' truly Ross is rubbing off on them X)

'narti originally stuck this at Dreamwidth cos she lives there now.

lucifer, netflix, telly, x-men, avengers, movies

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