(no subject)

Feb 23, 2018 18:05

Facebook: Good afternoon, Anna! Clouds are clearing today in Adelaide. Enjoy the sunshine!
It's 34 degrees, you irresponsible dickwits.

In other news, I had my first lady-date on Tuesday! I've turned off the 'looking for men' option on Tinder and also downloaded Bumble to do the same, and by golly, gee whizz, does that narrow the options. There are literally six people to cycle through of an evening, across the two of them together. I've significantly lowered my bar to the point where even people without any text in their profiles are being swiped right.

Anyway. So I finally got a match! Chatted with her a while over text, discovering we're in much the same boat of having had boyfriends but never a girlfriend, so we met up on Tuesday after work :D First to Cocolat for a nice cold smoothie where we talked for a good hour and a half, then to The Apothecary for a cocktail and impromptu platter of antipasti that ended up constituting dinner because the smoothie had been pretty filling, and finally once the sun went down to the Parade of Lights on North Terrace, where they've illuminated a whole bunch of historic buildings (museum, art gallery, uni buildings, that sort of thing) with basically painted light animations. It's part of the Fringe Festival, which started last Friday. This was the highlight. They have a bunch of smoke machines around the lawn in front of the museum, and fire big flat sheets of lasers through the smoke above your head, so you lie back on the lawn and just watch this play of light in the smoke. It's seriously awesome. So surreal, like being on an alien planet, or maybe under the sea, sometimes like the Northern Lights depending on how the smoke was behaving at the time.

The date itself was no more than a friend date at this stage, just chatting about family, work, the Fringe, wine/food/cooking, small talk that lasted until about 11pm. She was suuuuper nervous at the start so I didn't want to make any moves or scare her away XD She's also tiny. I have a good foot on her XD She's a PhD student, previously worked for the CSIRO, super into sciencey physics, kinda shy but opened up a lot as the evening went on. Easy conversationalist, almost as much of a foodie as I am, and just a fun, casual, relaxed time. Already so much less pressure than any first date with a dude. See where this takes me X3

Unrelated, last weekend I finally presented Katie Hawtin with her first proof of her website. This is something I instigated a good, oh, two+ years ago now. I designed her business cards at work and we print them every couple of years, and the last time she ordered them she mentioned in passing that she hated her website and didn't want it on her business card because it's so outdated and ugly. In an effort to add some real clients to my digital media design portfolio, I offered to design a new site, bells and whistles and all, for $100 just so it felt more like a business transaction. TWO YEARS LATER and she has a proof! She's phenomenally enthusiastic, absolutely loves where it's going, so I'll get started on actually creating it in March with the aim to finish it by mid-April.

I'm also in the middle of updating my own portfolio, which is slightly broken and very out-dated. I have no idea where the slightly broken came from, since I haven't updated it since I made it, but the navigation icon up in the top corner now scrolls instead of sitting there nice and fixed, the gallery images on the print page are off-centre by about 70 pixels, and there's a 5-ish pixel gap at the beginning of each client. Also the header on the blog is now an error message. NO idea where all this came from, but that's this weekend's task. Just what I want to spend my weekend doing, bug fixing of my portfolio. Yay.

And I saw Black Panther on the weekend. It was pretty gosh darn awesome. The warrior ladies had the most badarse character design, omg. Also the villain was probably the best Marvel villain in a while. His motivations were just bang on. Loved this movie!

dating, lady-date, web design, portfolio, date, fringe, black panther, design, movies

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