(no subject)

Feb 11, 2018 14:49

So apparently bloogum's been hacked? I mean, this is the new index page, and I just logged into the ftp end of things to discover everything's gone except a few empty root directories. My host hasn't contacted me at all, and everything was fine yesterday, so I can only assume I've been hacked. I've opened a support ticket with them so CROSS FINGERS they can get everything back. I mean, the static pages are fine and I'd just have to set that to uploading, but I have two Wordpress blogs up there that I've had no idea how to back up, so I'd really like to not lose them =/

In other news, I broke up with the boything. There were just too many things adding up that showed me he wasn't the kind of person I could live in the same house with. He snored like a freight train and, on our trip to Melbourne last year for the Grand Final, I literally couldn't sleep. I had to go down to the couch downstairs. Also he didn't get me a birthday present last year? Which is odd? Ultimately I just don't think either of us was putting in the effort required of a relationship. It felt more like a chore to organise to meet, and I was way more inclined over summer holidays to hang out with my friends rather than with him, so. I called it off on Thursday--second time I've seen him since the said Grand Final trip in September--and it was remarkably easy. I suspected he was feeling the same way, cos he hadn't contacted me as much as I hadn't contacted him, so it was less ripping off the bandaid and more cutting off that annoying dangly thread.

I am now looking for a girlfriend, I guess?

Honestly, though, I just wonder if I'm capable of even living with another human. I just love having my own space. I love being able to do whatever I want with it, when I want to. I love deciding after dinner that I want to go see a movie, so I just go and do it. I can just go to the beach if I feel like it, or put on a loud movie or make an extravagant dinner just for me. I don't have to work around someone else's schedule or tell someone where I am for fear of the other person worrying or judging me. I don't have to figure out when I can have my me time, because I live alone and it's awesome. I can't imagine loving someone so much that I would be okay with giving all that up, but I'm still going to give it a shot.

Except that nobody's swiping right on me when I also swipe right on them, and gay tinder takes about three minutes to scroll through before there are no new people in my area. My area being 30km. So idk. Mostly I just want to test the waters of having a girlfriend. I'll keep you posted. No, really. I will this time.

bloogum, relationships, boything

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