(no subject)

Jul 07, 2016 19:59

I love barramundi. It's the most forgiving fish to cook. Perfect crispy skin every time, takes a little longer to cook so there's no chance of overcooking it, brilliant with a squeeze of lemon and a sprig of thyme. I don't get it often because dollars, but damn it's worth it.

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Who knew this would be timely again? Why won't she just go awaaaaaay? ._.

We still don't have a PM. But I mean, it took like a month in 2010, so who knows? Mum and Dad's previously almost-safest Liberal* seat in the country is now not-Liberal, which is a genuine shock. I mean, I knew Xenophon** was a threat in several seats, but for Mayo to be the one to fall? That's huge. And a lot of other seats have been close, too, which was totally expected. Grey may yet go to Xenophon, but I doubt it. Interstaters are saying things like 'come out of nowhere' which just further proves why he's done so well here. South Australia is ALWAYS the butt of jokes. In AFL, even though the Crows have been consistently threatening the top four, we hardly get talked about so by the end of the year Victorians will say we 'came out of nowhere'. Interstate players get looked at by the Crows or the Power, to which the interstaters say, 'yeah, but he'd have to live in Adelaide.' Y'know what fuck you.

Politics is no different. SA is constantly shunned by Eastern states run Government, especially, and this is important, with regard to the Murray River. Nobody in Government could give a rats about the Murray. Even when Gillard--a South Australian, from just down the hill from me in frigging Unley--became PM, she completely sold out and didn't do shit for SA. They still allow cotton farming and rice farming to go on in the Murray-Darling Basin. They don't enforce any water saving measures on upstream farmers. They don't use SA farmers as an example of this is how you farm without using so much frigging water. By the time the Murray, the biggest river in the country, finally reaches the sea? A lot of the time it isn't even flowing. BIGGEST RIVER IN THE CONTINENT. NOT FLOWING. Because of the dickheads upstream who don't care what happens to it after it crosses the SA border. It flows through Grey and Mayo before not-reaching the ocean.

When I say politicians don't care about what I care about? That's what I mean. My entire STATE gets shunned, regardless of who's in power. Neither Liberal nor Labor gives a shit about SA.

So along comes Xenophon, who's been a vocal (in SA) senator for decades. See he hasn't come out of nowhere, NSW =P He's so South Australian you can't believe it. He actually, genuinely cares what goes on here. And, now that the Libs have lost one of their safest seats to him, and both Liberal and Labor have seen other previously-safe seats become marginal, maybe, just maybe, they'll start paying attention to us. At least they might recognise why someone like Nick Xenophon is gathering so many votes, anyway.

(If you're wondering why it's taking so long, it's postal votes. We have compulsory voting, so anyone not within a reasonable distance of a polling booth on polling day lodges a postal vote, which will still be trickling in over the next week or so. And there are a lot of marginal seats where this'll make a difference. A party needs 76 seats to form Government, and the Libs right now have 73, I think? So everyone's staring at the remaining 10-ish marginal seats wondering what's going to happen. And by marginal I mean in Hindmarsh there's, like, 100 votes in it, with thousands of postal votes still to come in. So that's why it's taking so long.)

* Basically the conservative party

** Formerly independent senator, this year formed a party and started going for the House of Reps. His major thing is 'fighting for SA' and also anti-predatory gambling, so why he had candidates in other states I have no idea. Anyway, he was getting around 20% over here and barely 1% interstate. They are the Nick Xenophon Team. Frankly I think they missed an opportunity and secretly they all wish they'd called themselves the Xmen.

food, politics, cooking, australia, auspol

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