Good Riddance GRE!

Mar 28, 2008 14:23

Total test time: FOUR HOURS!

Verbal: 560
Math: 720
Total score: 1280

(77% percentile on math,
76% on verbal)


Not only is it DONE
Not only is it SOLID
But it's also OUT OF MY LIFE!

Fuck studying in between calls, teaching my partners long latin words, doing math drills when I'd rather be napping. Screw flashcards and big long books and online tutorials. I'm DONE!

I sent the scores to Colorado State, University of Montana-Missoula, Tennessee, and Florida State.

In other news: We bought our tickets for Ireland. Chicago to Dublin, direct flight, May 25th.
ONE WAY TICKETS. Two of them. In less than two months, we'll be gone. Lost in some pub. Learning to speak Irish English. Providing recreational opportunities to children with cancer. Ireland. Two months.

Um, that's about it. Met Adam's biological father. And his stepmother and two half-brothers. Wow. That was an emotional trip, like wading through the sickening mud of family drama and years of hatred. Beers with my friends, beers with roommates, lots and lots of beers with co-workers on St. Patrick's day. Chicago with Skylar and friends for the Irish holiday.

Adam's amazing. He surprised me with Ben and Jerry's Karamel Sutra and kissed me while playing the new Jack Johnson CD he bought me. What a fantastic celebration of finishing the GRE.

The end. Glorious weather!
Time to force myself to go running. Spandex, boo.
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