Jul 20, 2012 09:13
Setting: atop Seattle's Space Needle in bikini and sunglasses, sprawled out getting a rain tan.
The traveler returns. It took time, energy, money and most of all a sense of humor for Brennan and I to move our worldly possessions to Columbus, OH. We drove for five days, crossed through 9 states, and managed to find NPR stations in all but one. We had a couple adventures, the most notable being a visit to a national cemetary in the middle of a wildfire with smoke tinting the sun blood red and ash falling in my hair as I wept (no, I am not making this up). Also on this trip, I realized several things:
1) Most of this country really IS agrarian.
2) My agrarian society has appalling little diversity in their crops and livestock. REALLY appalling.
3) I only had to listen to Rush Limbaugh (came upon his radio show on accident) for three minutes to realize he really either a) doesn't know what he's talking about, b) makes that shit up as he goes along and doesn't care, or c) all of the above.
4) I am an environmentalist...but only so far as I don't have to give up my air-conditioning. I guess we all have our vices. Sorry, ozone.
5) National Parks may be the most awesome thing my government has ever done--I am making a new life goal to explore a new one every year.
6) One really should listen to one's mother and never enter into a rental agreement without seeing the property for oneself.
I may write a separate entry to expound upon the fascinating experience of deciding to break our lease within the first 24 hours of moving into our new apartment, I haven't the time at the moment. Just wanted to check in, wave, and assure people that yes, I am back to obsessively reading and posting on LJ for awhile.
I missed you, too!