FANVID: Memories and Dust (Band of Brothers, Winters, Winters/Nixon)

Sep 12, 2008 12:06

You guys, I have to be the videographer at a friend's wedding tomorrow (it is a very informal and last-minute wedding, but even so), and I am a LITTLE STRESSED about it. The bride works in TV! And even though they told me ten times that they don't care about the wedding video, I am still a human, and with this insider knowledge I know that humans care about wedding videos regardless of the tricksy polite lies they tell. Ahhhhhhhhh wish me luck ahhhhhh.

In other video-related news, it is really hard to quit vidding once you get decent software, and when there are pretty pictures of sexy soldiers to be had. I-I do wish I hadn't stayed up so late finishing it, but WHATEVS.

Anyway, here is a Band of Brothers vid, to Josh Pyke's "Memories and Dust." It's ensemble-y, with a Winters focus, a-and some Winters/Nixon. What, I'm not made of stone, you guys. Be thankful it's not a Jonas Brothers vid.

If for some reason the embed doesn't work, it's also streaming on imeem and youtube. And if you'd like to download a higher quality file, right-click and save-as.

vid: bob, band of brothers

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