This semester has been super dee-duper busy -- but just this week I finally turned in my final grades (at 3 am Monday night -- sooooo responsible), and earlier this month my prospectus passed (hooray! Now all I have to do is... write the dissertation? Pshaw, piece of cake. Haha. Ha.), so I've gone from being extremely busy to being not busy at all... and of course this means I've been kind of depressed. Why is it that transitioning like that always knocks you so off balance? Like all the stress was the only thing holding you together? Ugh. It makes me want to write fic where
Charlie Crews gets super depressed after catching Hollis, and mopes around the house driving Ted crazy and finally Reese has to come over and snap him out of it, because I feel like if anybody has stress and a sense of insane mission as the strings barely holding him together, it's Charlie Crews. Too bad about how I have three other fics I desperately need to finish before I start anything new. OH WELL. Oh fandom, I wish I could quit you, etc.
Anyway, my advisor gave me a book of military history of the Eurasian steppe to read for my dissertation, which I thought sounded super pointless and unrelated, but it's actually incredibly interesting. It's all about MONGOL HORDES, and is making me scandalized all over again about how the history we teach in the west is so arbitrary and one-sided and about community identity formation rather than actual importance of events, blah blah. (Haha, pretty recently I was talking to some of my friends in my program, one of whom is from China, and she said, like she genuinely thought we might not know, "You know, China has ancient history too." Y-Yeah, we know. Sort of. In a theoretical way. Sorry, China.)
Moving on! Last night I was talking to my dad on the phone, and he said, "Mom says you should come home for [rockstar!bro]'s birthday next week." *muffled in background Mom says, "I was joking"* Dad: "Well, I'M NOT JOKING." Anyway, so then I poked around and found cheap tickets, and bought them, and ahhh, now I'm going back to Kentucky on Tuesday. Both my brothers are going to be home! I get to see rockstar!bro play a show! I thought it was no big deal, but ever since I bought the ticket I have been blissfully happy, so. Haha. Maybe the cure for post-prospectus depression is getting out of town? I have no idea.
Have some links, from fandoms past and present: