Haha, yeah, so I liked this one? Kind of times a brazillian? I honestly think I just find season premieres really awkward due to exposition or something -- I mean, I remember feeling really weird about the Jim/Pam Casino Night flashbacks in Gay Witch Hunt (they make me cringe to this day, I don't even know), and that is much how I felt last week. But this week I was totally on board the Jim/Pam train - I like the way they're just being cute and happy in the background of other stories, and how they're friends the same way they used to be, only now with hitting it included. (And God, Pam is ridiculously pretty and awesome this season. No wonder half the office is in love with her, jeez. I mean, *I* want to take her to dinner to "discuss" "graphic design.")
SO. Um, Pam/Ryan, CANON. Pam/Toby, CONTINUING TO BE CANON. And speaking of continuity, it was coming out their EARS this week. Air five! Michael using the same pictures for his terrible discrimination seminars! Mention of Jim's barbecue from season 2!
But yeah, when Ryan asked Pam out, there was some losery excitement at our house. It is seriously maybe my #1 non-canonical ship. And he touched her arm, and touched his face, and auuuuuuugh. Also, Ryan - totally lonely in NYC, huh? Going out for sandwiches at 2 am, asking Pam out. Smelling the way Andy imagines Pierce Brosnan smells. (ANDY/RYAN. Seriously, you guys, Ryan/Everyone. I am so psyched for every single thing Ryan is going to do this year.) Ryan lying about Karen and the email! Kelly's fake pregnancy and hilarious Ryan-is-coming-into-the-office-wear. And okay, everything about Jan's encounter with Ryan was golden. "Love the beard. Keep it forever." HA. And the touching! I'm thinking this is the beginning of Jan's upswing, you guys. When she was so annoyed at Ryan,
moireach said, "Jan wants her job back." YEAH, she does. Also, she looked kind of weird and awesome with no make-up, in casual clothes? I don't know, it's hilarious/great.
And okay, Jim and Pam finally discussing Dwight/Angela? I HAVE BEEN WANTING THIS FOR SO LONG. I'm 1) psyched that neither of them told the secret to each other, just like I always thought, and 2) hahahahaha, Jim! Always a year or two late to the party.
This episode also felt much more like a unity than last week, and the pacing was better, and it was really funny -- so good work, Michael Schur. Michael driving into the lake was way, way over the top, but hey, I laughed. I liked how they climbed out the windows, while the cameraman just opened the door. Haha. And Michael all wet with his tie off REALLY looked like Steve Carell. It's really weird to me how I almost forget Steve plays Michael sometimes, he inhabits that character so well. And then once in awhile he's there underneath, being hot. What? Who said that? (Oh, whatevs, I believe my feelings on Steve Carell are well-documented.)
Oh, ALSO. Michael Scott: HUGE JAMMER. Phyllis Lapin: NOT A HUGE JAMMER. Haha, the writers hate dumb fanon. GOOD TIMES.
I seriously feel like so much happened in this episode -- I can't even remember it all. Dwight/Angela breakup! Dwight CRYING.
ALSO OTHER STUFF. I'm totally behind on comments from my last post, and I'm going out of town this weekend, but OMG YOU GUYS THIS SHOW.
(ETA: OH ALSO. Canonically, Ryan wants every woman Jim has ever banged. I AM JUST SAYING.)