Fall semester is kicking my ass already. I'm so tired, you guys. I cannot stress this strongly enough. I'm literally too tired to concentrate, which I haven't experienced in a couple of years -- I had forgotten how much it sucks.
Teevee items:
So, I liked it! I always like it. I'm so glad this show is back, you guys. SO GLAD.
Here is the thing, though: Jim and Pam were super cute together. I believe that is an objective, canonical fact. But... but. Okay. I have read a lot of terrible JAM fic by JAMMERS with JAM related screennames. And it turns out that has conditioned me to such a degree that when I see Jim and Pam together, say, holdng hands, I automatically cringe because I am waiting for them to start behaving less well than anyone has ever behaved. Somewhere deep inside I am convinced that Jim will start creepily watching Pam sleep, or making Pam say that she loves him before he ever talks to her again ("SAY THE WORDS, PAM"), or having gross sex that liberates Pam from the prudishness of the horrible sex she had with Roy, or that they'll get pregnant way too soon and think it's super romantic, or get married almost immediately, or one of them will die of cancer, or they'll have sex somewhere way public, possibly in the office, or sooooooo many other things. It's sort of like this scientist, who did an experiment with dogs and bells and salivating and stuff, I think. It honestly made it really, really difficult to enjoy the Jim/Pam stuff, because I was actually CRINGING. Augh. Uncool.
This has convinced me more than ever that I need to STOP READING BADFIC. IT IS RUINING THINGS FOR ME. So even though sometimes I have to read badfic for
scranton_times, from now on if it's obvious it's going to be bad within the first paragraph, I'm not going to read it through to the end anymore. I mean it.
Though to be completely honest, it's not completely the fault of badfic. I also have this really, really wretchy problem, which is that whenever I write something, I tend to argue myself into the position the fic takes, even if I didn't hold that position before. For instance, back in Buffy fandom, I didn't really like the character of Dawn that much. But I had this thing where I'd always try to write fic from the point of view of characters I didn't like, or who bored me, or whatever, just as a stretching exercise to see if I could. So I wrote a fic about Dawn learning dead languages, and... ever after, I loved Dawn. I would get really mad if I heard anything said against her. She's now one of my favorite characters. And I DID THIS TO MYSELF. It's super embarrassing.
So anyway, lalala, I'm watching the episode, and I'm all, "Gross, Jim and Pam - I'm way more into Andy." And then I remembered, um, that I most recently wrote a fic from Karen's POV that was Karen/Andy. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I'm finding it really hard while watching the episode not to see Jim and Pam from Karen's point of view, EVEN THOUGH KAREN IS NOT EVEN THERE.
(Speaking of which, I was totally expecting it, but I'm still disappointed that they got rid of Karen so fast. I really don't think it's realistic that she could afford to quit her job and move just 'cause she's broken up with somebody. But whatever, it's convenient, to the plot, blah blah, I guess... but Kaaaaaaaaren, I love you, come baaaaaaaaaaaack.)
Anyway, I was complaining about my Jim/Pam problem to
kyrafic at brunch yesterday, and she told me I should write happy Jim/Pam (using my own weakness against myself?), or else watch some season 2 episodes, and I did the latter and it actually did help, so maybe this is a problem that can be cured? I don't know.
Anyway, the episode was a good one, though maybe not as funny as sometimes. I'm really psyched about what they're doing with the minor characters, though - the Dwight/Angela stuff looks to be REALLY promising, with Angela really shining acting-wise (and is Andy/Angela in the works? Goodness), and Meredith got a storyline, and Toby won the 5K, and Kelly was hilarious in her three lines, and I would watch a whole show of Oscar and Kevin, girl detectives. Also, heeee, Kevin as the HUGE JAMMER in the office - I wonder if he belongs to the Yahoo! Jim/Pam shipper group with Phyllis, Mark and Pam's mom? And there were like 10,000 little things I loved -- drinks with Stanley, Oscar and Creed; the IT guy again; the stripper again; Darryl and Pam: PRESBYTERIANS, etc, etc, etc. Oh, show.
Also, I really want the
Schrute Farms Beets shirt in a way that is not healthy. I... might get stencils and fabric paint at Michael's. I mean, what? Who said that?
Moving on to SVU - so I didn't even watch the premiere when it aired. I finally got around to it this weekend, at which time I discovered it was already out of my TiVo, so I had to download it. And at the time I was all, "It's going to suck anyway, I don't know why I'm even bothering." So imagine how pleasantly surprised I was when it was SORT OF AWESOME. Ensemble-y and funny and Olivia has her butch hair back, and MUNCH WAS IN CHARGE (he looked weirdly like he had credibility in his uniform??) and the episode was about Multiple Personality Disorder but was only mildly ridiculous, and there was a ton of continuity, and even Kathy was awesome??? I don't even know how to process this. Here's to season 9? Maybe keeping my expectations low is the secret to thoroughly enjoying it.