Rainy Half Day of School

Aug 20, 2007 15:00

Well,we managed to make it through the first (half) day pretty well,and the two older ones are now out playing outside in the puddles (it's not raining right now). The rain has been coming down steadily all day,and I had to drive up to the bus stop to get Erin because the rain was coming down so hard. I love rainy days,but this is ridiculous! We are almost to the point of seriously needing an Ark. Thank goodness it's not Hurricane Dean,though,that's all I have to say! :)

I didn't sleep worth diddly again last night because I had a gazillion things running through my head,like am I going to be able to get the kids up in time,is Shawn going to be happy going to a different school,will I be able to get things done that I want to today,etc. etc. Stupid,really,but I couldn't shut it out! :(

Shawn knows quite a few kids in 5th grade and in his class,and his teacher seems really nice,so hopefully he'll be happy there,though we do have the option of sending him to one of three other schools if we so desire because his school didn't satisfy some sort of testing score requirements. We will have to decide. After we got him settled at his new school we headed over to the primary school with Erin so she could start her new life as a 1st grader.

Erin has several kids in her class who were her classmates last year,so she was quite at home by the time everyone arrived. Her teacher is very nice as well,and has been a 1st grade teacher @ WW for a long time (though she doesn't look that old at all) because my friend S said that her brother (I am assuming she meant her youngest bro who is,at around 20,also the youngest sibling) had her when he was in 1st! Her longevity says to me she must be good. :)

This evening is supposed to be my monthly dinner date "with the girls" and I think I have my MIL coming to watch the kids until Glenn gets home,but she can't see very well while driving in the rain and it makes her nervous,so if the weather gets bad again she wlll let me know she's not coming. We have two hours to go,so we'll see!

Tonight Da Bears play against the Colts,in a repeat matchup of Super Bowl XLI and all I have to say to that is,"Go Bears!!" (and make up for the Super Bowl! *lol*)

Best go cuz I have things to do! (go figure! *lol*)

first half day

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