They're Going Baaaaack!!

Aug 19, 2007 20:54

Well,it's official: in 10 hours and 25 minutes Shawn will be in 5th grade,and another 45 minutes after that Erin will be a 1st grader. It's a half day,but it's school nonetheless!

We had some quick sandwiches from McDs (not what I wanted to do,but we have nothing in the house;I desperately need to go grocery shopping!!!) and are now settling down to be in bed by 9:15 AT THE LATEST. Considering we have to be up by 6:30 (something this NON-morning person isn't looking forward to *lol*) we need to get to bed early. They usually don't get to sleep right away anyway (does anyone else know what I am talking about??) so the earlier the better.

I am bummed that the Cubs/Cards game is in rain delay (they had two yesterday--we've had bunches of rain here as well) because now I probably won't even remotely get to watch the end of it (even though the temptation is really great!) and there is also pre-season football on (Baltimore Ravens vs. Indianapolis Colts--HOOOUGH!!) so I'd really love to stay up ridiculously late but alas,I can't. This getting up early stuff is almost as difficult for me as it is for the kids,but I have been practicing the past few mornings so I should be good to go. I slept like sh*t last night,so hopefully tonight'll be better.

Well,that being said,I'd better get them ready for beddie and teeth brushed an all that. Hip hip hooray! After I get them to school I can have a half a day to myself (and Kam) so the early start will be worth it!!

Good night and "see" you tomorrow!! :D

new school year

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