Random little update

Feb 24, 2021 17:29

I’m holding on, but things aren’t great. Or really things are great, but I’m not, lol. Things would be great if only my body would cooperate. It’s a good thing I really love my job, because I’m doing not much else. My house is such a mess sigh I miss cooking proper meals, and I don’t even like cooking all that much.

This weekend I went grocery shopping with a friend and we also played some pokemon go since there was an event going on. All in all, I was out of the house for maybe 2,5~3 hours, but it was enough to take me out for the evening, and the next day as well. Sure it was fun, but I don’t think it was worth it ^^;;

In my spare time I either rest, draw or watch series. Preferably easy to follow, fun series, because my brain doesn’t really want to think at the moment. I go through series pretty quickly. I watched Bridgerton last week, then I started watching the Owl House (which I started because the character design was super cute, but it turned out to be a really good show) and then Monday I started the Babysitters Club, because I loved the books as a child. I finished it yesterday since it was a national holiday. If anyone can recommend me easy to watch series (in all senses of the word, simple, uncomplicated and easy to follow even when my brain doesn’t work) let me know. I say that even though I rarely open my LJ I’d prefer English (or possibly Japanese) because I don’t have to think as much, as reading subtitles also tires my brain. Stupid brain.

Only one more week until my next doctor's appointment. He really needs to figure something out because I have to apply for my visa extension soon and as things are, I don’t think I’d physically be able to go to Morioka to do it, so there’s that :/

Today was super fun, I had my two 3rd year and two 4th year elementary school classes, and they all did really well. We did directions with fourth years (go straight, turn right, turn left etc) as well as talking about their favourite classrooms and why. Pretty advanced conversation for such young children imo. And about half of the students wrote their classmates' names in alphabet possibly because I gave out stickers for that last time, but still and three even wrote the reasons down in English. Which might sound like no big deal, but they don’t officially learn writing English until they’re 5th years or 6th years, depending on the school. And even then, it’s assumed they only really learn it once they enter junior high school. Yet here I have students that, without being told to do so write down everything they can, in English ♥  Gosh I love my students. They’re so hardworking and smart.

Also wow, this new LJ editor is WEIRD.

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