Forgetting to post xD

Feb 06, 2021 00:26

So, I did write a blogpost yesterday, but I forgot to post it, lol.

Yesterday’s post:

Today I had three third year classes at my junior high school. All three had to write essays, so I had a lot to do. The first class went without a hitch, but then the next the English teacher was super late. Thankfully I knew what she had planned to do, so I just started the class myself and everything went without trouble. They were probably even quieter without the teacher there than with xD I’m not actually supposed to teach a class by myself though, but it was only for 5 to 10 minutes, and it’s not the first time this happened either.

Lunch was actually kind of good despite being a bread day, so that was nice. And it started snowing a lot. I think about ten centimeter fell between lunch and me leaving school during 6th period. I had my last class fifth period, and this was probably the most difficult class, as it has many students who either just don’t want to do anything, or really struggle with English (or a combination of both). It was the most noisy as well, so that was great for my headache. After checking all the essays I went home, and luckily it had stopped snowing, though the roads were very snowy and in places icy, so it was kind of scary.

When I got home I did some painting (this week’s reddit watercolour challenge) and tried some more embroidering. I got my first charm kinda made, but I kinda messed up the final construction (the embroidery looks nice enough, for my skill level) so I need to practice that some more xD. Also, I realised the darker fabric I bought is too dark for the fabric pens I have so I need to find something so I can draw on it, or it’s pretty impossible for me to embroider anything onto it, unfortunately.

And on to today’s post~

I got up kinda early today, because there was a possibility of having a class first period. My room was so cold, it was hard to get out of bed. Recently I have trouble falling asleep at night, but then end up sleeping through the beeps of my heater so I can’t keep it on in the morning.

I was the first one at the office, but some more people arrived just as I left for school. Which was good, because someone warned me about a dangerous spot, and it definitely was dangerous. The roads were so icy, it was super scary. Especially that dangerous crossing, where I ended up slipping slightly even though I was going super slowly.

I did not have a first period after all, so I got up early for nothing, lol. Oh well, having just two lessons on the last day of the week is pretty nice. I didn’t have to do much, as both classes were presentations. I’m pretty proud of my elementary school students for being this good at presenting in front of a group.

The elementary school only had class until third period, and then an early lunch, so I got back to the office just after lunch. The ice on the roads had thankfully melted, so driving back wasn’t scary at all. Arriving back at the office I saw several teachers of my junior high school, and apparently there was some kind of thing, the person I spoke to wasn’t 100% sure either, she said she was just told to go, so she went. She was on parking duty, telling everyone where to park. We talked a bit, and she told me she recently fell and hurt her neck too, and now has a hernia, just like me. I hope it won’t be as much of a problem as it is for me.

I also got called at the parking lot by someone from the post office. She handed me a Johnny’s envelope and I was super confused, until I realised today is the day that the Arashi fanclub thinks is my birthday. I did actually get a birthday card this year as well, so I’m super happy I ended up paying anyway! It’s a card without Ohno-kun though, so that’s kinda sad. I still don’t know how the Arashi fanclub is the only one that got my birthday wrong though, but I have to go to the Johnny’s family club to fix it, and whenever I’m in Tokyo I either forget, don’t have the time, or can’t find it. I’m looking forward to watching the birthday video, though also a bit sad knowing Oh-chan won’t be there.

After I got home I rested and did some more embroidery. I've sorta got the embroidery down, but then turning it into a charm is actually kind of a struggle. The more you know xD

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