It's hard to find a balance.

Feb 01, 2021 17:28

Weekend~ Sleeping in~ I had really been looking forward to that, lol. It was necessary so that was good. I had a really lazy day on Saturday, I did some cleaning, the laundry and not much more, except for some painting. I also had a skype call with my mum and grandpa, and my mum mentioned I was blogging again, so hi mum!

On Sunday I went shopping with a friend. We went to several 100 yen shops, and I got myself quite a few craft supplies. It seems like they had stocked up more than usual as well, probably because people are spending more time at home because of Corona. It had been long since I’d gone out, and it was a lot of fun. Once I got home I tried embroidering, and for a first time, without watching any tutorials, it turned out pretty okay. I should still watch some tutorials, because it’s very clearly a beginner’s piece xD

But either I overdid it yesterday, or it’s because my period has just started (which isn’t fun on the best of days), but today was a struggle. I went to the office, and after a while got dizzy felt like I was going to faint again. So I had to lie down for a while, and they cancelled my lessons. I did work at the office after that, and took some extra pain medication. I feel like going out for a few hours on a Sunday shouldn't have this much effect on me, but not much I can do about it :/ I have a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday, so maybe he can help me? I’m definitely going to complain though, because how am I worse after a nerve block than before? Yes, I know, I should have taken more time to recover xD But work and visas and such, you know?

It’s weird how I feel so guilty when I’m unable to function as I should. Maybe if I hadn’t gone out yesterday and maybe if I went to bed super early, so many maybes. But then again, I did really need to get groceries, and even if I had gone to bed super early, the chances of me actually falling asleep would have been slim. And doing the whole work-rest-work-rest-work thing is also really demotivating, so doing something fun every once in a while is important too. I’m pretty sure that everything would have been fine if I didn’t have my period, because that always increases my pain. Just going out for a bit, or just having my period would have probably been fine, it’s both of them at once that make things difficult.

At least I spent my day at the office productively, I made some flashcards we needed, did some reading, and overall did quite well, despite the occasional dizzy spells. All in all, I think it’s a good thing I didn’t go to school today, but I do hope I’ll be able to go tomorrow.

daily life

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