i want to see walk the line, really badly.
i also want to see rent, really badly.
i also want to not go alone to the rock for relief show at ravenwood tomorrow night.
i want to be home for thanksgiving, i want christmas break, i dont want to be here anymore.
i love the jso! hooray for rediscovering a love for judaism.
i dont love flu shots that leave my entire shoulder bruised.
i have insomnia, according to the health center. woohoo.
i like my schedule next quarter:
monday wednesday friday: the historical jesus, 11:50-1(with quinn!)
tuesday thursday: the fall of rome, 12:40-2:30, what to believe in medicine, 2:40-4
ive been really sick since saturday, i pretty much cant eat anything, and ive lost 5 pounds due to it. but brett bought me vernors and that was really nice of him and is helpful.
im going to hair.
what am i going to do with a history major? i just started freaking out. maybe i should minor in english, not religion. its more practical. ugh, real life scares me.
why do i even kid myself?
this article made me smile.