FIC: For Worse or For Better, Chapter 3

Sep 12, 2009 21:57

Title: For Worse or For Better, Chapter 3
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4,935 this chapter; 20,636 total (GAH)
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Notes: Written for reel_merlin Take 2 prompt: The Proposal. Huge thanks to krazykipper for the britpicking, and as always to marzilla for the beta, and for somehow always convincing me that I want to write, even when I swear that I'm quitting. Any remaining mistakes are mine.
Notes Part 2: I don't really know anything about how all this immigration stuff works, so it may or may not be exactly right- I just followed the movie. And also, for the sake of storytelling, we're just going to pretend that same sex marriage is legal and enforceable in the US, 'kay? =)
Disclaimer: Merlin and The Proposal are properties of BBC/Shine and Touchstone Pictures respectively. Sadly, I'm making no money off this.

Somewhere, a phone was ringing. Arthur groaned and covered his head in an attempt to block it out.

"Arthur," he heard from the other side of the bed. Merlin? He bolted upright as he remembered where he was. Shit. It was his mobile that was ringing. He looked blearily for it on the bedside table.

"Where the bloody hell is it?" he hissed, fumbling.

"In your bag," Merlin muttered, kicking at Arthur's back until he managed to push him right off the bed. Arthur landed on the floor with a thump, tangled in the bed linens and cursing. From up above, he heard a sleepy chuckle.

The bags were on the floor on the other side of the room. Arthur got up and back onto the bed, crawling over Merlin and making sure to shove a knee in the small of his back. Merlin smacked him with a pillow as he dove for his bag, yanking the phone out. Looking at the screen, he was surprised to see that it was near eleven.

"Hello? Hello?"

"Arthur?" It was Morgana.

"Yeah." She said something, but her voice cut in and out so badly he didn't catch any of it. "Hello?" he called again. "Morgana? I have terrible reception!"

Another pillow hit him, this time in the back of the head. "Shut up, you wanker," Merlin said. Arthur turned to shoot him a glare as he snatched a robe off a nearby chair, pulling it on.

"Well, aren't you a fucking beast in the morning," he snapped, stalking out of the room and down the stairs. "Morgana? Are you still there?"

"Yes," she said, sounding dubious. "Was that Merlin I heard?"

"He was getting violent, so I've come downstairs."

Silence. Then, "You're sleeping in the same room?"

"We can't very well sleep separately without raising suspicion, can we?"

"Same bed?"

Arthur grabbed a pair of rubber boots and hopped around while he struggled to pull them on. "Was there a reason you called, Morgana, or did you just want to twat at me?"

"I can't believe you're sleeping in the same bed," she crowed, jubilant.

Arthur walked down the sloping lawn away from the house. "I'm hanging up in five seconds."

"All right, all right. I just wanted to warn you."

Arthur stopped and looked out over the water. "About?"

"Your nutty DHS agent. She called asking questions."

"You knew she would."

"I know, but she's going to be contacting people up there as well."

Arthur sighed. "They won't be able to tell her anything. They only found out about us yesterday."

"What's his family like?" she asked, abruptly changing the subject.

"They seem all right," he said cautiously. "I haven't spent much time with them."

"I'm sure they're lovely. Look how Merlin turned out, after all."

"Oh yes, he's just wonderful. Anything else?" he asked, trying to divert her from the guilt trip she was no doubt trying to send him on. He didn't need to be reminded that he was lying to some very nice people. Or that he was forcing Merlin to lie to them.

"She did say one more thing--she said that if you decide before your follow-up interview Monday to call it off, there won't be any negative repercussions."


"Meaning that they'll overlook the fact that you're both committing fraud and you won't be punished."

"But I'll still have to leave."

"And you'll be able to come back in a year," she said, sounding frustrated. "Your reapplication process will go smoothly, and Merlin won't go to jail."

"We already told them about the engagement," he said, starting to feel a bit queasy.

"Arthur, you need to think about this. I know it's a foreign concept for you to put other people's interests ahead of your own, but this would ruin Merlin's life."

Arthur looked toward the house and saw Merlin coming down off the porch toward him. He was wrapped up in a large coat, his hair blowing every which way. He gave Arthur a hesitant smile. Something in his chest tightened. "I have to go."

"Fine. But think about it. You have until Monday morning."

Arthur disconnected the call just as Merlin got to him. "Was that Morgana?"

"Yeah," Arthur said, ignoring the sharp cut of Merlin's cheekbones and the way his eyes were ridiculously blue in the morning light.

"She say anything interesting?"

"I wasn't really listening," he said, smiling a smile he didn't feel. He briefly considered telling Merlin about the offer, but decided against it. No doubt he'd want to take it, and they were in too deep already. Nothing for it now but to plough on.

"Well, in that case, you need to get ready."

"For what?"

"You're going out with the boys."

Arthur blinked. "Sorry?"

"Gaius and some of the others want to take you out. I tried to talk him out of it, but he won't be budged. Said bonding is important."

"I don't want to bond. I hate bonding," Arthur protested, not wanting to be left alone with Gaius. "Why aren't you coming?"

"I'm staying to spend time with my mum. It'll just be you and the guys," Merlin said, putting on a terrible American accent and clapping him on the shoulder.


"You have to go; they'll think it odd if you don't."

"But I--"

Merlin stepped closer, into Arthur's personal space. "Stop. They're going to know we're arguing. Just go out with them for a few hours, be your usual charming self, and it'll be fine."

Arthur looked up at the house and saw Hunith and Gaius in a window. "Charming?" he said, his brain catching up with the conversation. "You think I'm charming?" For whatever reason, he was ridiculously pleased by the thought.

"No, you're a complete prat," Merlin said, but his cheeks pinked a little. "But I know you know how to charm people. So," he said, straightening and holding his arms out, "give us a hug and then off you go."

"A what?"

Merlin rolled his eyes. "A hug, Arthur. You have been hugged before, yes? It's what people do when they like each other. And they're still watching."

He grabbed the front of Arthur's robe and pulled him closer, sliding his arms around Arthur's shoulders. Arthur was reminded of their kiss yesterday, and he found himself pressing his face into Merlin's shoulder. He tentatively put his hands on Merlin's hips, inhaling deeply and smelling that smell again, that Merlin smell he hadn't known he was so fond of.

Merlin hesitated and then leaned into Arthur. He felt the tentative brush of fingers in the hair on the back of his neck, and with it, the tension that'd built up during his conversation with Morgana drained out of him. Before he could even start to think about what that meant, he heard someone approaching.

"All right you two lovebirds, that's enough for now," Hunith said, her smile evident in her voice. "Busy day today!"

Arthur pulled back, embarrassed. Merlin was watching him again, that same inscrutable expression from yesterday, after they'd kissed. Probably wondering what the bloody hell was going on. Arthur wasn't so sure himself.

Hunith slipped her arm through Merlin's. "Just for a few hours. But don't you worry," she said, "Gaius has some real fun planned for you."

The way she said "real fun" combined with the look she gave Gaius--was that a leer?-- immediately set him on guard. Gaius stepped forward as Hunith turned Merlin back toward the house.

"Come on, my boy. Adventure awaits."


Adventure turned out to be the name of a pub on the island. Arthur relaxed. He knew pubs-he could do socializing at a pub for a few hours. They sat at a large table off to the side: Gaius, Arthur and a group of men he vaguely remembered from the day before, including Lancelot. That threw him a bit at first, but Lancelot had just clapped him on the back and greeted him heartily.

He took a drink of his beer, taking a moment to study the other man. Olive skinned with dark brown hair, he was handsome. Shorter than Arthur, and much less broad, but definitely handsome.

They made conversation, Arthur mostly with Gaius. When they were ready for another round, Lancelot motioned to someone behind Arthur.

“I think we’re ready,” he called, smiling.

Arthur turned around to see Sophia approaching with a tray of drinks, smiling at him. He felt immediately awkward, remembering their meeting from the day before.

“Hello again,” she said, setting her tray down and distributing the drinks.

“You work here as well?” Arthur asked lamely, uncomfortable.

“Only sometimes,” she said, winking at Lancelot. Arthur frowned. Was there something going on between them? That’d be…interesting. “So I hear you’re celebrating today,” she said, turning back to him.

“Oh. I suppose we are, yes.”

“Well,” she said, running a hand through his hair and smiling wickedly. “I think that calls for something special, then, don’t you?”

“I…guess?” Arthur ventured, but was quickly drowned out by a loud chorus of agreement from the other men at the table.

He jumped when she suddenly shouted, “Does anyone here want to have a good time?”

Cheers from the entire bar, and then the lights went out. What the-

A spotlight came on, shining onto a small stage next to them that Arthur hadn’t even noticed. Loud rock music blared out over the loudspeakers, and then the curtains were flung open. Arthur looked up to see Sophia holding them open, wearing significantly less than she had been just a moment earlier. He hadn’t even seen her leave.

He was immediately filled with dread. A strip show?

Lancelot must’ve noticed his face, because he leaned over, laughing. “I know she’s probably not exactly your taste, given you’re marrying Merlin, but she’s the only exotic dancer we’ve got on the island.”

“Dear God,” Arthur said as she started prancing around the stage to the music. Everyone around him was cheering her on, enjoying themselves immensely. Not wanting to give away his embarrassment over the whole thing, he plastered a smile on his face and kept drinking his beer. No harm in watching and pretending to have a good time, none at all.

Except, true to form, Sophia soon zeroed in on him and beckoned with her finger to join her on stage.

“Oh, no,” he called, shaking his head, “I’m fine right here. Really.”

The spotlight switched to him suddenly, blinding him. He put his hands up to block it out, so he didn’t see Sophia approaching until she was practically on top of him, pulling at his arm. He resisted-there was no way he was getting on that stage.

“Oh, go on,” Lancelot called, giving him a light shove. Arthur looked to Gaius for support, but he was smiling and clapping along with the music like everyone else. Sophia gave him another tug, harder this time. Everyone was looking at him, waiting, and he briefly flashed forward to everyone going home and gossiping about what a boring prude Merlin was marrying.

“…all right.”

He let her drag him up onto the stage and shove him into a chair. Blinded by the light, he couldn’t see the crowd, but he could hear shouts of encouragement. Could this be any more humiliating? Mortified, he tried to avoid looking at her as she danced around him. He mostly succeeded, until she flung herself onto his lap and he was forced to grab onto her to keep her from falling.

Her skin was slick, slippery with oil, and he quickly let go, hearing a round of laughter from the crowd. Of course it was funny-he must look ridiculous to them, shying away from her like a blushing virgin. It wasn’t even her-she was attractive enough-he just didn’t like being the centre of attention.

Still, he had to look like he was having a good time, for appearance’s sake. He forced himself to relax and tried smiling up at Sophia as she wiggled around him. She took it as encouragement, because she moved around behind him and started unbuttoning his shirt.

“No, no,” he spluttered, lifting her hands away. She wouldn’t be deterred, sliding her hands down his chest to tug his shirt out of his trousers. “Oh for heaven’s sake,” Arthur said, squirming away, trying to laugh it off. He tried to escape, but she draped herself over his lap, face down this time. He blinked down at her.

“Smack her ass!” a voice called sounding suspiciously like Gauis’s called out.

“Wait…what?” Arthur asked, flustered, leaning away as she wiggled her rump.

“Come on, spank her!”

“In for a penny, I suppose,” he muttered, rolling a sleeve back. That drew a chorus of cheers. He wondered vaguely how often any of these people actually got out. He hesitated with his hand in the air, unable to believe he was actually considering this, but then he brought it down with a sharp crack. A loud cheer erupted.

Sophia jumped, climbing off him laughing and waggling his finger at him, as though he’d been a naughty boy.

“Can I get down now?” he asked hopefully.

She bent down to kiss him on the cheek, lingering a bit longer than he was comfortable with. He saw Gaius motioning him back to the table, so he scrambled off the chair and back down to his seat. When everyone swarmed around him, friendly and laughing, he thought the whole ordeal might’ve been worth the humiliation after all.

Arthur decided it was time for some air when Gaius got up onto the stage with Sophia. He stepped out onto the dock, chuckling when he caught a glimpse of Merlin’s uncle appropriating her pink feather boa.

He leaned his elbows on the railing and looked out over the water. It was so quiet here-different from anywhere else he’d ever been. He took a deep breath, suddenly glad to be somewhere that wasn’t the office, or his large, empty flat. Everything seemed much simpler here; no one really wanted anything from him, other than company. He was surprised to find that he liked it.

Behind him, the music briefly got louder as the door opened and shut.

“Needed a break?”

Arthur looked over his shoulder to see Lancelot standing there with fresh beers.

“Yeah, just wanted some air,” he replied, taking one of the bottles. “Thanks.”

“It can get a bit intense in there,” Lancelot agreed. “Sophia really knows how to work a crowd.”

“I noticed,” Arthur said. “She was very…encouraging when I met her at the party yesterday.”

“Got you with the crab cakes, did she?”

Arthur was surprised into laughing. “She did.”

“Best on the island,” Lancelot said.

They were silent for a while before Arthur said, “So, you and Merlin used to date?” He wasn’t entirely sure why he was asking. Maybe he wanted to know what kind of person Merlin was actually attracted to.

“Yeah, for about six years.”

“Wow, that long.” He hadn’t been expecting that. “What happened? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“No secret,” Lancelot replied with a shrug. “He wanted to go to New York.”

“And you didn’t.”

“Not really. That was always his thing, not mine. He probably would’ve left sooner if it weren’t for me.”

Arthur studied the other man’s profile. “So you just let him go. After all that.”

Another shrug. “It was what he wanted. You know the old saying-if you love someone, set them free,” he said with a rueful smile.

“Must have been difficult for you.”

“It was. But I figured it if was meant to be, it would be.”

Arthur turned his gaze back to the water. He couldn’t imagine anyone being that selfless-yet Lancelot had sacrificed his own happiness so that Merlin could have his. He thought back to Merlin’s enthusiasm at seeing him again, and to their conversation at the DHS office, where Merlin had told him that he was waiting to marry for love. Maybe it was Lancelot he’d been saving himself for.

Lancelot, who had loved Merlin and set him free; and now Arthur was keeping Merlin from coming back to him.

For no reason other than Arthur’s own convenience.

He set his beer down on the railing, a lump forming in his throat. How could he have not realized how much he was taking away from Merlin? Lancelot put a hand on his shoulder.

“You all right? You’re looking a bit green around the gills.”

“Yeah, fine,” he managed. Lancelot frowned.

“Did I make you uncomfortable?” Arthur didn’t answer. “Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I’m happy for you, I really am. Merlin chose you, and he’s happy. That’s all that matters.”

Except Merlin hadn’t, and he wasn’t, and Arthur hadn’t given two shits about either until now.

“It’s fine,” Arthur said. “I’m still trying to adjust to all this. Meeting everyone. It’s a lot to take in.”

“Ah,” Lancelot said, smiling. “They can be a bit much. But they’re good people, and they love Merlin. He’s worth it,” he said decisively, and then looked at Arthur with a smile. “But you already knew that.”

He hadn’t, actually, but he was starting to find out.


Gaius was humming under his breath as they approached the house. Arthur tried not to smile, recognizing one of the songs that Sophia had danced to. It was evening already, and he was surprised to find that he’d actually enjoyed himself.

“I hope we didn’t frighten you,” Gaius said amiably as they walked up the steps to the porch.

“No, not at all. It was very…diverting. I could’ve done without the spotlight though, to be honest.”

Gaius chuckled. “I’m afraid you’re destined to be the centre of attention from now on,” he said. “Our Merlin getting married is a very big deal.”

So he was gathering. He offered Gaius a weak smile. “Well, thank you for today, I had a good time. I think I’ll go upstairs and wash this glitter off.”

Gaius nodded and sent him on his way. Arthur headed for the staircase. As he approached, he heard voices coming from one of the rooms toward the back of the house. Merlin and his mother.

“…responsibilities,” Hunith was saying. “I know you like it there, but we’re not getting any younger. Your uncle is almost ready to retire.”

“So find someone else,” Merlin said. “Shouldn’t be difficult, everyone around here loves you.”

Arthur knew he shouldn’t listen, but something about Merlin’s tone caught his attention.

“How long are you planning on staying away, exactly?” Hunith asked. “You said you’d try it for a while and then see.”

“I don’t have a time limit, mother. I told you that I just got promoted. And now with Arthur, it’s not as simple anymore.”

Arthur frowned. Had Merlin planned on coming back here? It hadn’t seemed like it.

“We miss you, Merlin. I can’t go three years without seeing you.”

“Mum, please. We’ve been going ‘round about this for hours. You know how I feel, there’s nothing more to discuss.”

“You know, sometimes you are so stubborn, just like your father,” Hunith said angrily.

Merlin was silent for a moment, and then, “I am nothing like him.”

Arthur was surprised at the venom in Merlin’s voice. While he often got annoyed at Arthur, he was generally pretty mild mannered. He heard Hunith calling after Merlin, and then a door slammed.

“Hunith, what did you do?” Gaius asked after a moment.

Arthur decided that it was time to go upstairs. He was as quiet as possible until he got to their room. Out the window, he saw Merlin headed down toward the dock, the angry set to his shoulders obvious.

As he showered, he mulled over what he’d heard. He'd been mildly surprised to meet only Hunith and Gaius, but thinking back, he couldn’t remember Merlin ever mentioning his father. Then again, he’d never really been interested in Merlin’s personal life. Unsurprisingly, he was curious about it now. He wanted to know why Merlin and Hunith were arguing, and what had happened with Merlin’s father that Merlin had been so incensed at Hunith’s comparison. For once, Arthur wished that they had the sort of relationship where he could ask, and where Merlin wouldn’t hesitate to tell him.

He wished that Merlin trusted him.

Sighing, he turned off the water and pushed his wet hair back from his face. He reached for a towel as he stepped out of the shower, only to realize he’d forgotten to bring one in with him.

“Shit,” he muttered, looking around for something else to use. There was a small washcloth, which he used to blot the water off his face, but nothing else. It didn’t matter, he supposed, the towels were in a cupboard in the bedroom, not far from the bathroom door. Merlin was off somewhere sulking, and Hunith and Gaius wouldn’t come in uninvited.

He had nothing to cover himself with, so he opened the door and peeked out. As suspected, the room was empty. Satisfied that he’d hear Merlin approaching in time to cover up, he tiptoed to the cupboard, trying not to get water all over the floor. He made a cursory pass over his body before draping the towel over his head and vigorously rubbing at his hair.


Arthur froze. Praying that he’d just been hearing things, he pulled the towel off his head to find Merlin standing by the balcony doors gaping at him.

After a brief period of stunned silence, they both reacted at the same time. Merlin spun around as Arthur fumbled the towel around his waist, cursing.

“What the bloody hell are you doing here?” he asked. He could tell Merlin was blushing-his ears and the back of his neck were bright red. He wasn’t the only one; Arthur’s own cheeks were hot.

“Why the bloody hell are you wandering around starkers?” Merlin snapped back.

“I didn’t know you were there!”

“It didn’t occur to you to check first? Christ, my mother could’ve been in here!”

“I did check!” Arthur said, running a hand through his damp hair. “How was I to know you were skulking about on the balcony?”

“Skulking? I-whatever,” Merlin said, headed for the door. “I actually came back to see how your day was, but forget it.”

Knowing it wasn’t really him Merlin was angry at, he wanted to call after him, but the door slammed behind him before he had a chance. Frustrated, Arthur flung himself face down on the bed, damp towel and all.


Supper was quiet, between Merlin’s tension with his mother and his awkwardness with Arthur. Hunith retired early, and after a quick nightcap with Gaius, Merlin and Arthur had done the same. Now they were in bed, lying on their backs staring up at the ceiling, as much distance between them as possible. Arthur hated it.

Trying to ease the tension, he said, “Did you know that waitress was a stripper?”

“What waitress?”

“The one from yesterday. With the crab cakes.”

“Oh,” Merlin said, “Sophia. Yes, I hear she has many talents.”

“She molested me today,” Arthur said morosely, knowing Merlin would find his suffering funny.

“They took you to the strip show?” Merlin asked, incredulous.

“Yes. She made me get up on stage and everything. It was awful.”

Merlin didn’t answer, and Arthur wondered briefly if he’d been wrong, until the bed started to shake with Merlin’s silent laughter.

“You’re a complete arse,” Arthur said, though he was pleased. Merlin snorted, and the silence they fell into was much more comfortable. He thought back to the conversation he’d overheard.

“Merlin?” he asked. “Where’s your father?”

Merlin went unnaturally still. “Why?”

Arthur debated what to say. Deciding that honesty was best for once, he said, “I heard you and your mother talking this afternoon.”

“You were eavesdropping?”

“Not on purpose,” Arthur said defensively. “We’d just gotten back and I was on my way up here.” Merlin didn’t answer, and Arthur finally said, “So?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

There it was, that hostility again. “Don’t you think I should know? I mean, if Nimueh were to ask-“

“I said no, Arthur,” came the reply, angry. Merlin turned onto his side, giving Arthur his back, in further confirmation that the topic was closed. Cursing himself silently for breaking their fragile truce, Arthur scrambled to find a way to fix it. And dammit, he still wanted to know.

Changing tactics, he said, “My father died five years ago. Heart attack, right in the middle of a staff meeting. No one saw it coming.”

Arthur certainly hadn’t. He’d been devastated to lose the only parent he’d ever known. But there hadn’t been any time to mourn; there was too much to do, including his own move to New York.

“I’m sorry,” Merlin said quietly. “I mean, I’d heard, around the office, but-“

“Yeah,” Arthur said, lost in his own thoughts. He hadn’t really thought about his father in a long time.

“What about your mother?” Merlin asked.

“Died when I was born. I never knew her.” Arthur never spoke about his family as a general rule. It was too personal, and he hadn’t ever wanted anyone to think he was too soft to follow in his father’s footsteps.

After his father died, the Board had wanted to shut down CHP’s American operations. Arthur had fought them vehemently, and had they seen him as the heartbroken, grieving son he’d actually been, he never would’ve convinced them. He’d had no choice but to become as ruthless as the rest of them, to show them that yes, he was Uther Pendragon’s son, and that no one was going to destroy what his father had worked so hard for. Ever.

Arthur blinked, his eyes stinging. He hadn’t thought about any of this in a long time.

“My father left when I was fourteen,” Merlin said, distracting him. “No reason, no excuse, just left. It broke my mother’s heart. It’s why she wanted to come here, to try to forget.”

Arthur made a sympathetic noise. He’d not known his mother, and his father had been far from perfect, but neither of them had left him voluntarily.

“If it’s any consolation,” he said, “I don’t think you’re anything like your father.” He would know-after all the abuse he’d suffered at Arthur’s hands these past three years, Merlin still hadn’t left.

Merlin turned back over to face him. “Thanks.”

Arthur nodded. Not knowing what else to say, he stared up at the ceiling. He felt awkward, vulnerable in a way he hadn’t felt since his father died, when he’d resolved never to let his guard down around anyone ever again.

“So,” Merlin said, his tone light, “anything else I should know about you? Breathe fire? Eat the souls of little children while they sleep?”

Arthur smiled, grateful for the attempt to lighten the mood. “I hate it when people fuss over me,” he said, thinking back to that afternoon, “because it reminds me of when my father died.” He’d hated the attention, everyone looking at him as though he’d break at any second.

Steering himself away from more depressing thoughts of his father, he tried thinking of random quirks that Merlin might not know. “Ummm-I don’t like bugs. I’ve never owned a pet. I like Cadbury’s, but I hate that it tastes different here than it does back home.” He found that once he started, it was difficult to stop. He kind of liked the idea of Merlin knowing things about him that no one else did.

“I’ve only ever had one long-term relationship,” he continued, “and none since my father died. In fact, my most serious relationship ever is probably with you,” he finished, laughing at the thought.

Merlin mulled it all over for a bit, and then, “So, does that mean you haven’t had sex in five years?”

Arthur rolled his eyes. “Honestly, of everything I’ve just said, that’s what you picked up on?”

Merlin laughed. “Does that mean you haven’t?”

“Shut up, Merlin,” Arthur said, feeling his cheeks grow warm. Dammit, he didn’t have time for sex.

“Okay, okay,” Merlin said, relenting. “I’m just surprised, is all.”

“I don’t see why,” Arthur said. It wasn’t like Merlin hadn’t known Arthur’s schedule better than he had for the past three years.

“I don’t know. You’re not exactly…hard on the eyes or anything,” he answered, sounding a bit flustered. Arthur raised himself up onto his elbows and looked over at him.

“Was that a compliment, Merlin?” he asked. “Do you think I’m handsome?”

“No,” Merlin said, far too quickly for it be the truth. “You’re just not repulsive, or anything.”

“You do!” Arthur crowed. “You think I’m handsome! You probably lust after me secretly, don’t you? Is that why you were sneaking about this afternoon trying to see me naked?”

“Oh my God, you are such a prat,” Merlin said, smacking at him with a pillow. “Take that big ego of yours and stuff it.”

Arthur laughed, putting his arm up to defend himself. “All right, all right,” he said. “I won’t mention your secret crush on me ever again.”

“I hate you,” Merlin said, without bite, hitting him one more time for good measure before turning his back on Arthur again. “Good night, prat.”

Arthur flopped back onto the bed and closed his eyes. He smiled, happy for the first time since this whole mess had started.

Chapter 4

genre: romance, rating: pg-13, fan fiction, for worse or for better, merlin, pairing: merlin/arthur

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