Hello hello ^^
Selamat Tahun Baru 2019!
Happy New Year!
May you all have a great year ahead~!
First day of new year and what am I doing? In here, on twitter, part time. Haha.
I don't really have any update. Most if not all the time I am on twitter these days. It's so fast lol
There are a few people who added me on LJ recently. Hi~
Ok, it's not that I don't want to add you back, it's just that I don't really have things to share in my locked entries...? I don't provide downloads or anything. I'm just a fan like most of you. Things I can share is already public i.e. my fangirling entries. If you want me to add back, please say so in comment or whatever (if you have could you remind me? Because I'm a forgetful little grass, that's why ^^;;) but I'll say it in advance; even in my locked entries it's just stuff that are a bit more personal than what I share to public.
Sometimes I wonder why would people add me at all ^^;; I'm a very boring and awkward person who can't even keep a conversation going. Sorry.
Oh, if you want to ask about Hey! Say! Jump stuff or anything at all, just ask. Comment or PM or DM on twitter (reeznotes ri_rq24/areading24).
Oh, I can tell you where most files are. I guess.
I've been in HSJ fandom for officially eight years now and that's not even enough time to know everything (and frankly, I'm a little tired) but I haven't really felt like I want to quit or anything so yeah, you'll see me around for awhile longer lol sorry please let me lurk around ^^;;
Well now. I said I don't have any update but well... last night through choppy connection I get to watch a bit of JCD and I missed the entirety of any Jump performances because right when Jump was about to perform my connection went caput. I was just thinking that this connection really didn't want me to watch Jump huh... When I got it back it was just in time for Sexy Zone and guess what I saw? Yep that infamous Marius fall. Ouch.
At first because I had just gotten in I wasn't sure what I just saw. Someone fell? OMG!! 😱 It was a live stream so I just kept on watching, ok there's Fuma... Shori... Nakaken... so the one fell was Marius?? OMG 😱😱😱 I went to twitter and sure enough everyone was buzzing about it. Then my connection went caput again until few minutes later I got back in and saw Marius again and feel relieved. Sheesh. The entire time I don't have connection I was going what the heck did I just saw omg omg omg. And of course, like I said, I missed the entirety of Jump. But I got in for the entirety of Tackey & Tsubasa... gosh that was so... I cried a little.
I kept getting sick on and off for the last three-four months...? I think? If you saw me whining on twitter lol sorry I'm just so sick of being sick. It's just cold and coughing and sneezing and it's just so annoying. I get like, two weeks of sickness, a week of being fine and then bam! Another cold. I dunno. Ugh. Sorry for being annoying on twitter. To be fair, if I don't update anything then that means I'm getting the worst of it.
Ok I suppose that's it for now. I have nothing more to update I guess, short things will be on twitter, and I'll be lurking around lol jaa ne~!