For Now, Back to Business

Jan 21, 2009 23:14

So, I have survived my latest move, although there was a lot of cursing, breakage and general nerve-wracking involved. I won't go into details, except to say that I'll surely remember the address of the rental agency where I want to rent the truck from next time... Also, for those of you living in or planning to move to Germany: Don't ever buy Umzugkartons from Bauhaus. They suck! Specifically, they broke all over the place. On the bright side, they contained clothing, which couldn't break. On the not so bright side, it added a lot of laundry to my already full to-do list. Ugh.

But enough with the whining! I am glad I moved, because the new place is bright and shiny and overall just so much better, but really, no more moving for at least the next two years. After that, I'm afraid I can't make any promises. Anyway, I can now walk home both from work and from parties on the weekends. Also, I have not one but two albeit tiny balconies which I so far use to cool beer. Heh.

Also, I was internet and phone-less for the last week, and thus absent from lj, so tell me what I missed! Any exciting events in your lives? Anything I should absolutely know about?

As for me, I received a package from the ex-boyfriend today. It contained a moving-in survival kit (aka, lots of food, a CD and some toilet paper) and a letter that literally brought tears to my eyes. Sometimes it's hard to remember why you broke up with a great guy just because it wasn't meant to be, particularly when it's cuddly-weather outside. Oh, well. It wasn't a "Let's get back together letter", anyway. Just a very sweet reminiscence of the past.

moving, boys, new place

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