ahvdzevqz not making sense should try sleeping during the night instead

Jul 20, 2008 02:00

I think it would do my thesis good if I were not on a writing/working schedule which has me at my desk at around five in the afternoon and makes me stop sometime at two in the night. I strongly suspect the last page or so I wrote might be full of ghibberish. It's like a vicious circle: When I work late the night before, I don't get up early the next day, which results in me getting back to my desk late, because other things need to be done, and then I still haven't written anything, so, panic attack ensues which has me writing into the wee hours of the morning again. It doesn't help neither my sleep nor my sanity that I get morning sun in my bedroom and the curtains really don't do much to keep the light out.

Also, I should go to bed now and still set the alarm early. Too bad I keep doing the snooze button thing until the alarm gives up on me. Hopeless cause.

quinnponders, are you still there? Just checking, because I have now booked my flights and my return flight to Germany leaves at 10 pm on September 28th (Sunday), from Detroit! I'll write you an email...

edited because I carn't spel

bad habits, travel plans, dissertation

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