Feb 13, 2006 12:21
The darkness did not cause him fear. He looked out the old windows of the studio apartment, and the darkness seemed to consume him. It was a comfort; a man who found going out into the night was easier than going out into the day. He never could place his finger on the desire, the enjoyment, of the dark. However, it was a question he did not mind being unanswered.
It was pitch black. In the dead of night, he hooked a leash onto his dog and pulled on a black sweatshirt. As he opened the door, he felt almost giddy with the idea of going out in the middle of the night. His dog was just as anxious to leave the dreary apartment. It tugged and pulled as if to tell him to hurry along. Daichi smiled as he felt through his pocket for his keys and his cigarette lighter. It was all he really needed for the long walk that awaited.
He was not a pleasant sight to see in the middle of the night. He was not afraid of the people or things that were in nighttime air, but people stayed out of his way. He was a tall man, wearing all black. The only thing that could distinguish him from the darkness was the hot end of the cigarette. Even the animal blended in with the night. He had a low voice, that said random things to the dog, sometimes answering his cell phone, and his broad shoulders and the pierced skin on his face made people cringe in the daytime, and made them walk quickly away in the night.
Daichi liked the night because it gave him a kind of inspiration he could not find elsewhere. The memories of the childhood he wanted to forget so much would flood his mind, emotions relating to anger and envy would overtake him, and he'd sit in the graveyard three miles from the apartment, trying to write songs out of the ocean he was sitting in. He enjoyed the graveyard, comparing his life to the lives that had been lost. He'd make up stories for these forgotten souls, think about hell, and how many people landed there. The loneliness of the abandoned place made him sadistic; he found a strange pleasure with the sensation of being alone. Daichi would often feel his mind open, and many curious emotions would visit his being. He tried to write them on paper, but the pen wouldnt write. Just something made him want to be still.
Daichi started out the walk like usual. He often let the dog do its own thing. He would follow it where ever it would take him, and then they'd always end up in the graveyard. Daichi let the leash hang loosely on his wrist as he inhaled the smoke from the tobacco. He looked up at the trees, the sky, and already felt the strange pleasure of loneliness. The dog began to walk slowly, and Daichi figured the dog needed to do its business. But after two minutes, Daichi looked down at the dog. “What's up Shiko?” he inquired of the animal. It remained still. A low rumbling growl was turning in its throat. Daichi was silent, and excited. What was making the dog so aggressive all of a sudden? The dog let out a more audible growl, and Daichi was completely still. Suddenly, the dog jumped and began to bark. It was pulling with all its might on the leash, pulling towards the west like something that the animal most desired was there. Daichi held firm onto the leash, the leather was beginning to burn his skin slightly. The dog gnashed its teeth, and turned towards Daichi; it growled violently, syliva dripped from its large teeth. Daichi smiled. He needed excitement in his life. The dog turned back to the west and tugged even harder. The leash snapped, hitting Daichi in the face. The dog shot forward, and Daichi decided to follow it.
Daichi had been running after the dog for nearly 10 minutes, and he caught up with the dog at the edge of a forressted area. “Holy shit Shiko!” he exclaimed. The animal seemed like it had been waiting for him. It gave him an impatient look, and jumped the fence. A sign stating “private property, no trespassing” caught Daichi's eye. “Hey Shiko,” he yelled as the dog began to run through the trees, “I'm not going in here!” The dog trotted back to where Daichi was, growling softly as it came near. The dog sat and looked at Daichi. “I'm not going in there!” he said again. The dog barked. Daichi sighed heavily. “Ok! FINE!” Daichi hopped the fence.
The dog shot off like its tail was on fire, and Daichi ran after it. He was not afraid of being caught on the property. He pondered the idea of being seen, imagining a hick with a shotgun, firing. He laughed as he ran, not caring to be quiet, and enjoying the excitement of something new. Suddenly, he burst into an open area.
It was strange. A nostalgic feeling overcame him; it felt like a place he had seen before, a place he knew. In the middle of the dark earth, there was a stick, standing upright in the ground. He sat down infront of the stick, completely forgetting the dog, although the dog had stopped here and was waiting patiently for something to happen. Daichi stared at the stick. He felt slightly stupid for being so fascinated by a piece of dilapidated wood, but he knew no one was watching. There was a strange thing about this stick. Why was it here? Why did it stand like it did? Who put it there? He turned and looked over his shoulder. He felt like someone was there, but all he saw was a few bats flying overhead. His eyes turned back towards the stick.
He sat there for almost an hour, questions flooding his mind about this marker. He was completely lost in this inadamate object, but his trance was broken by a bump.
He knew something undeneath him and hit the ground. He wasn't sure if he had imagined it or not. But it felt real. Another bump. His heart raced. He knew it was nothing crazy; he tended to get excited over nothing. But it almost felt like someone had punched the groun below him. He sat still as he felt the sensations. It felt like someone was feeling around below him. He could feel the pressure of hands against his backside and thighs. The touches traveled closer to the stick until he no longer felt them beneath them. Suddenly, the earth cracked.
He couldnt decide if he just imagined the sudden upturn of soil. Was it like that when he had reached this place? Then the earth moved. He knew he had not imagined it then. A hole was being dug from underneath the ground. He sat in awe, not afraid of what was going on, but exhilirated and anxious to see what would happen next.
Before he could think anything, a hand shot through the ground. The skin was pale and seemed to glow in the midnight moon. The fingernails were long and yellow, cracked and on finger was cover in worms. The hand pressed the earth aside, making a larger hole. A second hand shot out of the ground. Its appearnance was similar, except a finger was missing and there were no worms, but open skin exposing muscle that looked shrivled and veins that were dried out. The hands clawed at the ground and Daichi backed away some to allow this creature room to move. It grabbed on a bit of grass that was available, and yanked on it. The grass ripped and the hands fell back. Daichi could hear a thump as the body fell back to the ground beneath. "Oh bloody hell!" he heard a woman's voice, speaking in a British accent. Daichi's heart raced and it felt as though it would rip through his chest. He could feel his sex was excited too, and he watched in utter amazement.
Shiko jumped and barked. "Oh!" the voice cried, "Damien!" It ran towards the hole and sunk its teeth into the flesh on the wormy hand. It drug the body out of the grave. Before Daichi stood a woman. She seemed like she could be beautiful, and she was to Daichi. She had dark hair that was unkempt and curly, covered in layers of dirt. Her face was glowing in the moonlight, her pale skin was devoid of any blood circulation. In the middle of her forehead was a great wound. Cracks in her skin and skull were evident in the dim light of the moon. She eyed the hand the dog had biten and she smiled. "Wow," she said to herself, "its interesting. I never realized how much fun feeling no pain would be." She clenched her hand into a fist and released it. She rose her arms above her head, and wiggled all of her remaining fingers towards the moon.
Daichi watched her ritual in great awe. Shiko growled quietly and before Daichi could speak a word to the animal, it vanished into a dark mist that had suddenly appeared. He looked in amazement at the spot where the dog had stood. He was so awestruck that he completely forgot about the woman who had rose from the ground.
"Ahem," she asked for his attentions, "Are you Daichi? Well," she pulled on the tattered and blood stained dress she was wearing, "Of course you are. I shouldnt question the accuracy of Damien." He said nothing. "Now bloody hell! You are able to speak, are you not?"
He nodded in a stupid manner. "Then fuck! Say something!"
"Ah," he said queitly, not sure he believed what he was seeing, waiting to wake up from whatever dream he was having. "Um, who are you?"
"Me?" she smiled with sharp, bright teeth, "Why, I am Victoria Montageau!" She eyed him as if he was supposed to know who she was. "I am here to help you."
"Help me, uh, what?"
"Oh, you shall know the reason in good time, son. Firstly, let's get walking. I wish not to be out in the open for much longer, and we have some discussions that need to be discussed!"
"Wait a minute! Why the hell are you coming to me and why the hell do you need to talk to me? What the hell is going on!"
"Now, now. No need to get all over excited over something so irrelevant."
"You just came from the fucking ground! You're the..the living dead! How am I not supposed to be excited, or scared for that matter?"
"Oh wow, aren't you an observant one. Yes, I am the living dead. And you can be however scared you want, but I am not going to leave you alone. You are the person I am destined to see while Satan has granted me to live upon this earth once again. I have to fufill Satan's wishes, whatever they maybe. Think of youself as a prophet, and I am the John the Baptist of hell."
"I'm like John the Baptist. I am here to lead you on the path that you need to be lead upon. There is alot to be done in a short amount of time, and this is only the beginning."
Daichi stood before the woman. He was about a head taller than her. As he walked closer to her, he reached his hand out and brushed the forehead's gaping hole. "So, you are real."
"Yes, of course," she scoffed, "Satan maybe considered ruthless to you people, but he's not one to commit confusion for one who is so important to him. Well, that is, not senseless confusion because I am sure that as of now, you are very well confused."
Daichi nodded. "So, what do you mean important to Satan? Why did Satan send you?"
"Ah," she said looked down towards a naked ankle that had skin decaying from it. "I see you are not so frightened anymore. The answers to your questions are not my answers to give. My job in this is only very small. My goal is to merely bring you to the channel."
"Wait, the what?"
"The channel. I guess I am a channel too, but I am such a weak one. The one whom you need to be with is experienced with things demonic and is a good friend of Satan's, thus it has made his channel very strong."
"So, what's a channel?"
"Well, its a mark of hell," she began to explain as she pulled her dress down some, revealing the skin of her collar bone with an odd cresent shaped mark upon it. "This mark," she said, touching it carefully, "Is what opens the channel. Satan is not omnipotent, so he must use these to see what is going on in places that he needs to see. Anyone who has made any sort of deal with Satan bears the mark. However, mine is weak. I have only yet started to serve hell, but the one Satan wants you to be near has served Satan many a year. Let us go?"
Daichi turned slowly and she walked by his side. "So," he asked, "Why doesn't this channel appear to me on his own? Why must Satan send, well, a middle man?"
"Oh, Satan thinks it best for me to appear to you first. As a matter of fact, the actual channel was here tonight. I could feel his presence, but he is gone now. Satan thought that the channel may be to much for you to take in at once, and so, he sent me to prepare you to come in contact with this channel. But it must be done soon."
"And you're not too much to take in?"
"Well, compared to the channel, i do consider a zombie to be a much less frightening thing then the channel."
"Oh really? Is the channel dead too? Is it a demon?"
"No he is quite alive, and no, he is not a demon but is demonic by nature."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"What I mean by it is that, he cannot be a demon. He is a living being of this realm. He has a soul that is connected to the body, and the soul cannot be upon this earth without the body. That is the difference between one that is living and one that is of the realm of exsitence beyond this one. Just as my soul has to be connected to my body in order for me to exist on this plane."
"You'll understand when you meet him," she said. Suddenly Shiko appeared. "Damien!" she exclaimed. The animal barked loudly. "Oh, alright. Listen Daichi. I will be in contact with you tomorrow, but for now, I must go to meet with the channel. It is quite exciting for me and Satan has granted me time alone with him! However, you must think about the things I said tonight. You have a destiny that is in the path of Satan. The channel will explain things tomorrow." She bent down and brushed the ears of the dog. It growled. "Sorry," she giggled, "I just wanted to see if you really took on an incarnation of a dog." With that she and the dog disappeared into the night.
Daichi walked back to his apartment slowly. He felt depressed that his dog was gone, and was curious as to why the living dead girl had called it Damien. He had only had the animal about a week, but after only a few days Shiko seemed like he was always his dog. And as he walked alone he wondered if what he had experienced was real or not. He reached his apartment and opened his fridge. After about eight beers he was able to sleep.
He woke up the next morning, groggy and slightly hung over. As he brushed his teeth he convinced himself it was a dream. "A very real dream." he murmured to himself as he poured some coffee. He looked over to the bag of dog food. "Was Shiko a hallucination?" He went to where the dog bed was placed. There was fur in it. "What really happened last night? Did I lose Shiko and then get wasted to ease my worry?" He opened the fridge but the sight of food made him feel ill, so he sat on his futton-called-couch and smoked a few cigarettes.
After a while, the cell phone in his pocket began to vibrate, and the ring pierced his unsuspecting ears with great volume. He took the phone out and looked at the ID; it appeared to be a number that was unknown. He rolled his eyes, and decided not to answer it. "Fuck 'unavailable' numbers. I dont want to deal with people I dont know," he said as he tossed the phone on the coushin next to him. He flipped on the television and lit another cigarette. The phone rang again. He looked at it, and chills ran down his spine for reasons he did not know. He glanced at the screen, and once again, it was a number that was unknown. He reluctantly flipped the phone open.
"Hello?" he said in an irritated voice.
"Daichi?" a woman's voice sounded over the line, "Its me, Victoria. Remember? I said I would be in contact with you today?"
"Uh...yeah...Look, are you for real?"
"What is that supposed to mean? Of course I am real! And we must make haste. My friend is going to pick you up. I cannot come out in the day but he can, if he keeps his eyes covered, that is. And besides, he has a vehicle. Otherwise, the walk to where we are residing would be very long."
"Jesus, ok. So is this random person coming to my apartment?"
"No, I need you to meet him somewhere. It has to be somewhere that is not too public, we really can't afford you being seen at this time, not with him."
"So, where the hell am I supposed to meet this person?"
"At the Memorial Park, there is a road that goes through the trees. He's already parked along that road and awaits you."
"Ok....? So am I supposed to magically know who this guy is?"
"Well, in case there is other people parked along the road, I do believe it will be obvious who I am speaking of."
"Wait, what does he look like?"
"I'm sorry I cannot inform you further. I must be going, being on a line that is traceable is dangerous to our plan." With that she hung up.
Daichi pulled on his sweatshirt. "I cannot believe I am going to do this. Random people? Is it some kind of joke someone's pulling on me? And if they really are satanic creatures, why the fuck do I think its ok to be acquainted with them?" the thoughts ran through his head as he fondled his pocket for the keys. He walked out onto the street and down the hill, for the park was not far from him. He lit a cigarette and put his sunglasses on to shade his eyes from the cold, glaring sun.
He reached the park, and stood next to the road that lead into a wooded area in the park. "God almighty," he thought, "I probably shouldn't do this. But hell, I am too curious." With that he pulled his hood over his head and walked quietly down the road.
The park was nearly two square miles and the road ran straight across on the west side of the place. He could see a few cars a ways off, and he slowly headed towards them. He began to feel melancholy as he wandered down the road, as he remembered days from his childhood where his mother had forgotten him and drove off. He was approaching a sleek, black vehicle. It looked like european model of some sort. As he came closer to it, a figure opened the driver side door and stepped out. He was tall, from what Daichi could estimate, it seemed as though the figure could be seven feet tall. His hair was waist length. black and smooth. It was free to place itself whereever it wished. The figure was broad shouldered but thin, and his arms were very long as well as his legs. He bore a pair of sunglasses that would prevent any exposure of sun to reach the eyes behind the lenses. The man was in an all black attire, wearing military boots and a trenchcoat, and an aged, black button down shirt. He didn't seem to know Daichi was coming, and with his thin, beautifully long fingers, he lit himself a hand rolled cigarette.
Daichi assumed this was the person in which he was supposed to hitch a ride from.