momcat09, I blame your month-early premature jump on predicting the end of hurricane season for the fact that we have Tropical Storm Ida churning out in the Carribean. Counting chickens has angered Poseidon! ;)
Best Christmas present, ever! I'm really glad tonight's episode of Supernatural is getting tons of glowing pre-air press. I just hope it's a good one for both brothers, and maybe throws in a fix on that relationship hatchet job done in Fallen Idols. I just haven't believed in the boys as a unit since then. Fingers crossed!
Listening to the Glee Vol. 1 soundtrack (yes I bought it, yes I'm a geek), and it's making me smile. But where's Single Ladies and Rehab? I hope those tunes show up on Vol. 2.
Oh, thank god, another World Series is over. What? Don't be hatin'.
So, V ... hm. Not exactly ready to put it on my "Must See" list.
Love the whole cast, but the writing was not exactly good. Plus, all the reveals went by so fast and furiously that it makes me wonder if they wrote three or six months worth of material into one episode just in case they only got a 4-episode miniseries pick-up. Was that a possibility? I don't remember how fast the reveals came out in the original miniseries, but I don't recall it all happening that quickly.
Right before the episode aired, I read where they've already announced a showrunner change. At first I was concerned, but after watching the Pilot, I'm thinking maybe that will be a good thing. Lots of potential with this one, but the execution wasn't as good as I hoped.
Oh, Alan Tudyk - curse your character's sudden but inevitable betrayal! LOL! I mean, seriously, who didn't see that one coming? ;)
I'm sure I'll keep tuning in through the end of the month for these first four episodes, if for no other reason than I'm not watching anything else on Tuesday nights. The fact that it doesn't conflict with anything at all will keep me tuning in for a while. But it's not "Must See" material - yet.