The kid playing wee!Sammy - we've used him before, right, with a different and younger actor playing wee!Dean? So WTF? How does Sammy stay perpetually 10-years-old (and I'm supposed to buy that he's a sophomore in high school????) when Dean grows sixteen feet and twenty years overnight, and looks essentially the same age Jensen is now? The Spousal Unit and I were all, like, for one thing, how and why are these two kids in the same school? Is it a K-12 institution or something, or am I really supposed to believe these two bros are only three or four years apart at this point in time? 'Cuz, I don't.
Sorry, the casting disparity totally threw me out of this story line from start to finish - that and the ending with the bully who was a total fucktard but oh wait he was also a really-really nice guy who took care of his dying mother and was tortured and misunderstood and bullied himself yada yada yada ... Who wrote this?
I realize they probably wanted to use the same actor who plays wee!Sammy for this episode, and that's fine. I like him, he worked. So why didn't they just get the same actor who played wee!Dean before and set the episode in a 6-9 junior high instead of high school? Trust me, bullies come in all shapes and sizes and ages. Kids are bullied in elementary schools and junior high schools just as much as they are in high schools. You can also be inspired for the rest of your life by a teacher in either institution - the guy didn't have to be a high school English teacher.
The funniest scene was the one with Dean playing substitute gym teacher in his little red shorts trying to psych the kids for dodgeball by nailing that one kid in the stomach with a ball. TSU and I laughed and laughed and laughed. *chortle* ;D
After SPN, we gave Burn Notice another shot ... and I don't think it's just our imagination. Something with the writing has changed. It's gone all super-schmaltzy, the characters are just a bit off, and all the spy edginess we liked before is either gone or being smothered by the sap. We're done.
ETA: I was so sad to hear about the passing of Kim Manners. Too young, and a blow to the genre for sure. :(