I figure by this late point in the weekend, it's safe to poke my head out of my little Harry Potter-less cocoon. ;) Earlier in the week, oh 'round Monday or Tuesday, I had foolishly signed on with my little pad of notes intending to update my LJ when I was barraged by a flist full of finger-waggings and dire bodily threats upon my very person seemingly from every sector of the HP-spoilerphobic - and I'm not even a fan. Whoa! It was like a slap in the face. I admit, I was a'skeered. ;) Suffice to say, I felt uncomfortable posting anything at that point, lest I inadvertently utter some sequence of syllables that should completely accidentally just happen to mimic something to do with the sacred tome - which would be entirely unbeknown to me, not having read any of the books; but suspecting complete ignorance would not be acceptable as a defense.
Then too, I admit, I go into automatic sarcasm mode when finger-waggings and threats about spoiling start being issued, and that wouldn't have been good for anyone; so I thought it was best if I just shut up and waited another week for the books to come out and everyone to go to their happy place - or not, as the case may be (depending upon one's personal reaction to said final tale).
I do agree that it's cool to see a bunch of fans getting excited about reading, regardless of what it is they're reading. HP may not be everyone's cup o' tea, it isn't mine (even though I have all but the final book sitting in my house - maybe one day I'll read them, when I run out of absolutely everything else there is to read); but I applaud whatever it is that brings everyone to the table.
I did peruse your spoilers, as I have for the last however many books have been released since I've been on LJ. Of course, I don't understand everything that's going on, but I like to get a sense of what you all are going on about - and, more specifically, what all the wank is based upon, because that's the money shot right there. >;)
What I'm reading:
A History of God, by Karen Armstrong. I'm not a religious person by nature, but lately I've become interested in understanding the historical origins of organized religion. A few months ago, PBS ran a Frontline program called
The Mormons that I found fascinating enough to consider picking up the dvd when it gets released. Not only did I realize I knew nothing at all about the origins or fundamentals of this religion - one my own uncle and aunt were members of for a period of time - but it's an eye-opening slice of American history as well. Plus it actually helped me understand a lot of the terminology and concepts referred to in Big Love.
For something a little lighter, I'm also reading
The Thirteenth Tale, by Diane Setterfield. A book about a book. Love those. :)
Last night
ezust gave me a heads up to
this, obviously spoilery - so click with caution and common sense - interview with Eric Kripke at TVG Online about the upcoming third season of Supernatural. I think
ezust is right, I've never read an interview so carefully and obviously and specifically bullet-point prepared in advance before. He clearly sought out this interviewer to get this message out to the fans, most probably the TWoPers, who are the most batshit insane from what I've read - which I can't read anymore, I stay as far away as I can. Seriously, though, Kripke's practically naming fan names here. I don't know if this interview will calm any nerves - I doubt it. ;) But I haven't been worried about season three at all. Maybe it's because I was really happy with season two. And maybe it's because I don't think a lot of fans understand just how razor-thin the fence was that the series was teetering upon when it came to renewal or even having a third season to bitch about. I think it's going to be a good year for our boys. :)
I'm sure the HP fans have seen this, but I read it on the whedonesque feed, and
had myself a little chuckle about the ways different authors would have ended the HP series. My fav hands-down is the David Chase finale. BWAH! :D