I blame it on global warming

Dec 04, 2006 15:25

Since the big T-Day I've been trying to get a jump on the Festivus Bacchanalia, what with the decorating and the shopping and the downloading of recipes and the cards and pressies to pop in the mail. Some how I don't seem to have made much of a dent at all; and yet I managed to find the time to enjoy the latest fandom pseuicide from the sidelines, and a rousing good time seems to have been had by all (well, maybe not all). Does it make me any more leery or bitter about fandom as a whole? Nah. Maybe I'm still too naive, or maybe I just don't care as much as I should. ;) Either way, I found it good for a giggle.

Not that I'm anybody, but for those who may need assurance, I can provide you with 12-14 names on my flist who know me in RL, have met me more than once, had meals with me, spent time with me, who can safely vouch for my sockpuppet-less existence. If you need the names, you can email me. And there are any number of others who have run into me at least once at a ConneXions or Escapade - whether or not I made enough of an impression upon them to be credible witnesses remains to be seen.

But honestly, my best defense is that I'm just really too damn lazy to put in the kind of monumental effort and time it takes to establish a fully developed and beloved sockpuppet who can touch that many lives. Hell, I'm lucky if I can update this LJ once a week on any semblance of a regular basis. Seriously, I am in awe of those people who put in the hours establishing these intricate fake lives because I think, my goodness, if only they'd use their powers for good instead of evil, just think how rich or famous they'd be, for real. A little perspective people. ;)

I know the rest of the country has been dealing with ice-box like temperatures, but here in Florida where global warming is alive and well, I've been running the a/c pretty steadily since Thanksgiving. Only today have we finally received a taste of those frigid temps with a front just now dipping down our way. First day in ages we haven't had temps in the 80's. *brrrrrr* ;)

Why did I think last week's episode of Heroes was supposed to be the fall finale? For some reason I was sure I wasn't going to have to worry about new Prison Break and Heroes until January. Plus some series that have been airing reruns for a couple of weeks are running new episodes this week, and I hate when that happens. There's always that one odd week in the middle of December where certain shows that were already into reruns pull out a single new episode, and you can't tell me that even some of the most loyal viewers aren't going to miss those episodes because of the screwy on/off programming during the holiday season. Like, there's a new Supernatural this week, right? Is there a new Smallville too? Hell, I never watched the last new episode of SV, whenever that aired. And I know I don't have it recorded anywhere. I also haven't watched the last episode of Jericho either. I did say when Bones came back with new episodes that I'd opt to watch that RT instead, and I did (and it was adorable!). My biggest problem with Jericho is that I realized I don't like any of the characters all that much. And there are a couple I actively hate too. Not love to hate, just hate-hate. Yes, I'm looking at you, Eric, you narcissistic piece of crap. *grump*

I just kind of wish everything was in reruns during the entire month of December. I need the break, even from those shows that I love, like Supernatural (which I think has been pretty damn fabulous this year!). Too much to do and to catch up on. But, of course, I'll still be sitting in front of the tube on Thursday at 9 pm like the good little Winchester devotee that I am. ;) I only wish The O.C. weren't airing up against Supernatural this season because it's finally BACK, baby! Back to it's season one glory, minus the Marissa drama, which only makes it even better. I'm just sorry so many fans fled before the show got back on track. If the series keeps up this pace, at least I know it will go out on a high note, and that's something.

Plus ezust has been sending me copies of Torchwood, so I have those to watch too. Though, I've got to admit, I've watched the first three episodes and they haven't wowed me so far. And I don't really like anyone on this show either - including Captain Jack. *waah* Well, it's not so much that I don't like the characters, it's just that I don't care yet. I don't know if this show will ever click with me. I'll keep trying, but I won't be rushing to do so.

Friday's "fight night" episode of Battlestar Galactica is my favorite of the season, which surprised me because I was iffy about the previews. I didn't get to watch it until Saturday because we were out with a friend Friday night spending WAY too much money on food and drink. Oy. But it was worth the wait. Something had been missing from the series for me this season, and that episode put it all right.

Can I just say that Ugly Betty really doesn't need guest-starring appearances by Salma Hayek? Yes, I know she's the exec producer, but her character is totally unnecessary and even weighs down the flow and natural charm of the series. Step back behind the scenes, Salma, please.

I think I need to re-do my tags. Most of them are pretty useless, I fear. The thought makes me nauseous, though. It's not like it's easy to do so. And please tell me I'm not the only one getting tons of LJ error messages lately. *sigh*

fandom, holiday

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