May 13, 2008 05:21
I give up. It is 5:30 in the morning. I have been studying without getting up except to pee since 11 PM. That is 6 and a half hours. Plus all I did this weekend. I have a 5 subject notebook, I have filled an entire subject of it just on chemistry notes from the past few days. You would think I was a chemistry genius by now. I just retook our tests from throughout the year and failed them all. I hate this fucking class. I hate chemistry.
Our lowest grade gets dropped in this class. If my lowest grade is this final I will still have a 51.4 average (yes.. out of a 100. ugh.) that is still a 2.0 so I'll pass. And that's if there is absolutely no curve. I can't imagine there being no curve. Our last test, we have 200 people in this class, only 13 people scored about a 75. I work so hard in this class and I'm still failing. It's calculus all over again. At least I got a C in that class. UGH.
The good news is... if in the spring I get accepted to BU all my bad grades from Albany will be dropped. My GPA will start all over again and only the credits I earned will be kept. Thank God.
I want to be a science major so bad. But it's like... as soon as I start doing good in something (like... Bio.) something else just drops off the map... (like chem). Last semester I got a B in chemistry. I am so close to failing this semester. I'm so mad! Ugh.
I can hear the birds awake outside.
I'm hungry. But I was reallly good today. At least I have that I guess... My mom is starting to catch on. I need to watch that shit.
Headache. Ugh.
Sorry for the downer post. haha
Still love you girls :)