Sexism (Why I Now Call Myself a Feminist)

Mar 01, 2008 11:45

For a lot of women (and men) Feminism is a dirty word. It means man-hating women, with no sense of humor and secretly wishing to push the agenda that women are better than men, not equal to them. It's a stereotype created by people who believe that by giving women more opportunities and equality in life will utterly destroy the traditional way of life. They fear change and loss of control.

I think that many people have embraced the stereotype and forgotten the true ideals behind the dreaded "F" word. I used to be the same way until I took the time to learn more about it.

Feminism isn't (and should never) be about stepping on/over men to get what you what, to hurt people, to destroy one's sense of self worth, to justify promiscuity, or degradation of men. What I believe true feminism to be about is equality. I'm not saying that when it comes down to the last hair on our heads that men and women are identical. We're not. We have different strengths and weaknesses and our society socializes us in a way to think that one is more acceptable than another and to ignore the fact that we're not stagnant "yes" or "no" creatures but very much shades of gray that fall in between.

Men and women are equal in our value and our worth and should be treated with equal respect, be given the same opportunities in life, be allowed to compete for the same jobs, same titles, be allowed to make decisions of themselves in how they treat their bodies, their lives without superficial judgement based on entirely outdated stereotypes.

What upsets me most about this, is to want these things is so threatening to some that people are willing to react with hate, anger and even violence. Sexism is still so present in our society and the worst part about it...we've trained young women and men to think it's ok, that if it's a joke we can laugh at it and not take what it really says about our society seriously.

For instance: Hillary Clinton

You don't have to like her, to want to vote for her, or to even agree with her--I'm not here to say that you should.

Below are comments from the ever popular facebook group "Hillary Clinton: Stop running for president and make me a sandwhich"

"Hillary can suck on my balls....then make me a sandwich..."

"obama and edwards both beat thet b***h!!!! awesome!!!!!"

"bitch needs to know her place"

"whoever wants a women to run this country better chop off their dick now becuase she will run our country into the ground like mexico. DO U WANNA BE A MEXICAN?"

"Wow laura [a feminist commenter who tried to argue against the sexism of the group], I really don't want to hurt women and of course I think women should be able to vote. And the reason men have been running the world is because they have a different perspective then women. They weren't given anything, they took it. By weaker, I mean more timid. We just have different views, I'm not tryin to argue anymore. But really, I was just stating my opinion and you insulted me. I think you just need to get fucked real hard to fully understand a man's power."

But we're just joking right?

Does anyone else find what's wrong with this picture? She's a woman running for president so obviously she deserves to be called "bitch" or "cunt" because she's upsetting the status quo. Why is this okay when any other form of hate speech or discrimination would not be tolerated?

The worst part of it all is how many women joined this group, nodding their heads in a agreement. It's ok for men to have sex and violence go hand in hand (after all their uncontrollable beasts and it's really women who push them over the edge when they don't want it). It's ok for women to be treated as if our only purpose in life is for a man's pleasure. It's ok to make hurtful comments about a person simply by what happens to be found between their legs. Let's not forget, taking an entire section of the population and pigeon-holing them into one tiny category of "this is what women are."

Don't even get me started on the subject of rape, when t-shirt companies think it's ok to print t-shirts that say "NO means NO (Unless I'm passed out drunk then it's ok)". You can go to any frat party and see exactly what I mean with the way women get treated there. But isn't it the girls fault? She shouldn't have been there, she shouldn't have been wearing that mini skirt, she shouldn't have been drunk or flirting--OF COURSE SHE'S GOING TO BE RAPED!

NO ONE deserve to have YOUR body being taken control of and used against your will. NO ONE.

My question is, why is this STILL acceptable?

I'm a feminist because I don't believe it should continue to be this way. Women are people with feelings, with desires, with fears, with anger, with flaws, with strengths. Not things, not trash, not to be stepped on or used. I'm a feminist because I believe it's time for a big change.

I shouldn't have to feel ashamed for thinking that women are people too.

feminism, sexism

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