Nov 02, 2012 18:54
I know I've been really quiet about this, but I've been really really busy!! haha.
But yes! I HAVE A SOMEWHAT STEADY JOB!!! (until March or I get fired..)
I understand now why I barely see friends online anymore that have office jobs, after working at a computer I can barely be bothered to sit down at my own one, never mind doing anything productive with it.
I've been meaning to blog about this forever, I've actually been working since July 27th!
I work at a telephone helpdesk, answering the phones mostly, and logging maintenance calls for a national chain of Supermarkets. (The co-operative)
My job basically consists of sitting at a desk, and taking calls, asking people from the stores a few questions while filling out an order form to get any stuff fixed that is broken.
It's not entirely like a regular call centre, I'm not talking to customers or trying to sell anything, I'm speaking to other employees within the same company, so it's not so bad in that respect. But, they can also be total assholes to me, and store managers think they're my boss and I'll just do whatever they tell me, which can cause some friction, because I'm told to stand up for myself and don't take any abuse from them. I've had many arguments D:
My calls aren't recorded either, nor am I cold calling customers. But I do call out to people when I need to, which if you know anything about me, is kind of a big deal for me, as I really have a bit of a problem about calling people or even talking on the phone. But now it's really easy... well sort of.. haha I still suck at it with my own phone and calling people.
Even though I speak all day on the phone, I can get really anxious and panicky sometimes, even to this day. When people argue with me my heart beats really fast and I've even stuttered before (I have never done this up until now) and been unable to speak.
The days aren't so bad, it can be equally really boring on quiet days and super fast days on busy ones, the shifts can be sucky and equally good, with early starts, late starts, late finishes.. etc.
Sorry if this isn't super interesting, haha I probably left it too long to blog it, so it's not so fresh in my mind.
I'll have another blog or two later with some more interesting stuff, probably some pics and info about the people I work with :D