Jun 10, 2007 07:35
The following is culled from Joseph Malozzi's blog, in answer to a fan's question.
Anonymous #5 writes: “Rodney's allergy to citrus - real and deathly, or part of his hypochondria and he only THINKS it's a deathly allergy? Or maybe somewhere in the middle - he is allergic but it's not as serious as he thinks it is.”
Answer: Let me put it this way. Rodney’s citrus allergy was based on someone Brad and Robert knew who insisted he had a terrible citrus allergy. Whenever they would go out, he would make it a point to inform the waitress that “a single drop could kill me!”. They later learned that, unbeknownst to him, he had been unwittingly consuming plenty of citrus all along. Make of that what you will.
So I guess the intention there is that Rodney isn't actually allergic at all. And from there, you can make a case for arguing that he isn't hypoglycemic either. Will the fanfic writers be Jossed in future eps?
For myself, I prefer to think that he is actually allergic, though probably not as badly as he claims. I've noticed that when people say they are mildly allergic to something, others seem to blow it off, as if the itchy rash, slight swelling, or whatever symptoms show are of no consequence. It would still by uncomfortable enough that you'd want to avoid them.