Welcome Back My Dear "Sims 2 Game"

Jun 18, 2009 22:40

Hello Friends!

Amelia and Conner Roy are doing great!

Now for the Sims's Suff!

I have great news, not that you would really care to as much as I do on the subject.  I am playing Sim's two again. It has been ages I know. My desk top broke down and I had to delete it and all kinds of fun stuff. I lost all my favored lots, my special cloths, and people. I was sad... But at least I was able to down load a lot of new things and I found people who had some of my old things.................

So any ways..............   I am having fun playing families I made and pre-made ones..... And guess what my comp broke again! (Thankfully I have a lap top, and my mom's comp.) But this time I can only do one thing on it is.........  GUESS WHAT  I can only play my Sims game! Lucky me!

As soon as I get the game back, I found a game I played ages ago on my mom's comp that has a ton of my old stuff. So I have now two comps with Sim's two on it...........

However My personal comp has "Double Delux  - Sims 2, Clebrations, and Night Life" and no University... My mothers comp is Sim's two and Univerity......... I would just put every thing on my comp. But with my luck....... My cd drive no longer works, the Double delux thankfully is a dvd game version.........................

It is giving me so many ideas for my books and reliving some of that darn stress I have had buit up for ages............................  I have been playing the one game on my mom's comp because it has my "already started sim's stories" which I can not transfer.... right now.  And I am looking forward to sharing them...

I had to re-memorize all the cheats and ect... But it has been so much fun. I am feeling so much better.........  It is helping me grasp control on my real life again where I have been feeling I could not..


Just after I gained my Sim's two back The Sim's 3 comes out.. It furstrates me because I can not afford to get that yet  ( I want the "Special addition" and I have yet to get the Sim's 2 Expantions I still want  (Pets, Seasons, Open For Bussiness, Free Time, & Bonvage)

Such a waste of money you say?

Not really, I hardly spend anything on myself. Well I used to not. I am going to the mvies and out to dinner more with people. But the games are something you can have for years and never get old for me. Since they frst came out with "The Sims" I have been loving it!  The game really opens your mind to a higher power (Father God) and how he works with us. With our free will ect... Luckily I know my Father God is not like some simmers who kill off thier sims' for fun.....

If you have The Sim's 2 and are on the offical site. Look me up. I am "AChan237 Or AChan273 " and I have a blog some where with lots of blooper pics under the name "Simmer237"  Have fun! I look forward to chatting with you!!


Cntrl-shift-C  = opens cheat bar typein  help and it gives you a huge list of cheats too. type clear and it deltes all the past things in the cheat log.

boolProp testingcheatsEnabled  true or false  = master cheat   ( with this you can press shift on a Sim and get master cheats, on the Mailbox - more cheats, on the newspapter for jobs, and on other things. Try it out!

For hidden skin tones and ect... Go to the main nighborhood screen then go make a new sim family Press Shift-N if you are in there for an extneded period  you may need to press that cheat more then once. It will tell you when it disaperars.

motherlode  = 50k money

MaxMotives = maximies all the "needs" of your sim so you can do skills and ect with no interuptions.

Aging off / on = turns off the aging process. I would not suggest doing while in collage or pregnate. The baby will never come if you forget to have it on.

changelotzoning dorm = for making a home you made a dorm.. Do not forget a Kitchen or a Bar!

boolprop carsCompact true = adds more details to the cars in the neighborhoods

move objects on / off  = You gain the ability to move objects you aren't supposed to. NOTE: Don't delete your sims! This gets rid of them perminently unless you don't save!

unlockcareerrewards = unlocks career rewards.

changelotzoning residental / community = allows you to make a home then turn it into a community lot when done. Very handy if you like to make your open places, shops, parks, ect...
Dorm Cheat

changelotzoning dorm = Enter code wile in residential lot - live  mode for a  best results when making a dorm to aces all of build mode and home  stuff.

Making a Greek  / Sority house

For a greek house you need to have a home (not a dorm)  a lot of money, and a phone.  Do use cheats for best results. Move int to a lot, make it what you want. Make sure you have a kitchen, entertainment, and rooms you can lock others out of (I think you can do that in a geek house too) Then when your ready use your phone and call up and aply for a charter. There you go...  If you so do choose you do not want to have the greek house any more you can call up and dis-ban it.

To Join Secret Society

To become a member of the Secret Society a Sim needs to make friends with 3 current members. Members can be seen wearing Llama jackets on community lots. They will not wear their uniform at college residences. After making friends with 3 members, your Sim will be handcuffed and taken away by limo to the Secret Society.  NOTE: Even if you make a nighborhood and then a uni. All universities have one to be placed. And once it is placed it disapears. There can only be one that I know of per collage town.

Somthing I noticed about the secret society people!  I had only one member in it and after a while of play;  with out the other sims I play knowing any of the members.  (dorm and in house) The secret society will come after midnight and bring them to the house. I noticed it happens to the ones that are closest to the sim in the "society" and when they are alost going to be be put on supenion bvecause I forgot to play them too.  Wich is somethign I found really enjoyable. Also once you are in the "secret society" all you need do is call transpotion and a limo will pick you up. Once are in the home you can treat it like it is your home, add or pocket items.... ;p

  • Saving Pizza -  Never goes bad!

    Have a sim call for pizza. When the pizza delivery guy comes DON'T accept the pizza! The pizza delivery guy will eventually leave the pizza on the front porch, and the pizza will never get stale. You can stack as many pizzas as you want, so if your sims get hungry, just tell them to get a pizza from the front porch.

    Contributed By: VinsMousseux.

    Geletin is also a cheat food! If your sim does not know how to cook then have them make desert -geliten- and it lasts longer then any food other then pizza.


    ~ I am off to play the game for a few before bed (This took me 2 hours to write. >.< )

    ~Amy Jane

dorm greek sority lot cheats food zone s

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