Jun 03, 2009 23:07
Hello My Dear Friends,
It has been ages since I last wrote a blog. I don't really know why I quit. But here I am.
I have great news!! My baby sister "5 years younger then me" Amelia. Had a baby on
Tuesday June 2end, at 2:49 in the Morning! (she is not a baby any more) After Six months of preparations and anticipation. (no one
knew, not even Amelia till she was three months along.) She went in to the hospital early Monday morning,
after a night of irregular contractions. She was in labor all day but in the end they had to do a c-section.
The baby' was face up. So he would not come out naturally. He is beautiful and healthy!!! He was born at 7.5lbs
and 19 1/2 inches. His head being 13 1/2 centimeters. Today he was officially named Conner - which means
"Wise, Exalted, Praised" Roy - which means "King" His name fits him very well, he is very alert, and quiet, and
every one loves him. We were told "unofficially" he was the cutest. I am so proud of my sister. She has taken on the
role of "mother" right away. And even in pain, I see a maturity that was not there before.
I only wish I could have a child of my own. Though I am excited about her son, and so glad he is in the world. I wish even more so that I was a mother too. That has and is my life long dream. To have a family of my own. I do trust that God will provide here or in heaven or after the second coming battle. I know it will happen. And maybe If I get so lucky. I will find my "Knight in Shining Armor" If I have not yet, and be able to adopt with him. I KNOW it is in God's hands. I am truly overjoyed! And through all this hospital visits. and my work, I am thoroughly tuckered out, I have not felt this tired since the last convention I went to, or the time I worked the 24hour "snack" stand for a night launch in Titusville for my church camp.
Well since I shared that, I am off to bed.. I promise to write more, if you care or not, it is good for my writers block to sometimes just vent like this. ;p
~Amy Jane
John 10:10
The devil comes to steal from you, to kill you, and to destroy you. But I (God) come to bring you Life and to bring it Abundantly.
John 10: 11
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd watches over his sheep.