[five reasons...]

Mar 20, 2008 08:02

...why I'm not participating in the strike.
by Anj, age 25

1. It gives LJ more power than I think they deserve. I have a regular posting schedule for comms I mod, and besides that, I enjoy spending time here. If I tell them, 'Hey, because of your behaviour, I'm boycotting,' and step away from my journal and my comms and my friends and so on, who's really suffering? What message does that send other than, 'Yes, you can make me change my behaviour'?

2. It doesn't really need to happen. The recent damage control post in lj_2008 apologises for not giving us a say. Sure, they've been apologising a lot, and that isn't good enough, but that tells me two things. One, that they aren't actually a well-oiled corporation so they are going to have snags because they don't present a united corporate front a la McDonald's or Starbucks or something. (I thought fandom'd be happy about that.) And two, that if we give them honest feedback, they actually listen.

Which brings me to...

3. It feels an awful lot like throwing a temper tantrum. Regardless of which translation of Anton's interview I read, it seems like he's looking at us like we're hostile. The worst thing to do in that situation is to prove him right, since it creates this very clear divide. It's like...if someone treats you like a child, acting like one doesn't help the situation. And this does sound quite a bit like the age-old trick of I'm going to hold my breath until I die.

4. We may not actually have as much power as we think we do. Holding a protest over their heads is one thing, but going through with it and having them realise that though we cause 80% of the problems, we only make up about 6% of the user content (thanks to florahart for the statistic), seems like it would do more harm than good for us.

5. They don't actually look at single-day statistics. And if they do, well....it's Good Friday tomorrow. How easy would it be for them to blame it on the holiday? Like the time they took advantage of the long weekend to make a bunch of changes, thinking nobody would notice. Just saying.

Anyway. Just my two cents. Not looking for wank, or argument, or anything like that. Hell, I won't be home all day. But feel free to discuss.


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