PHEW! *slumps over* So I've been working all day on my super-late
crossover_hp fic, and it's finally done. I seriously started over on my assignment so many times, because it was for
lizardspots and not only do I love her insanely, but she had so many good crossovers that I got bunnied to high heaven. So I might be popping out some more, longer crossovers in the next few months.
However, if you'd like to read the fic I ended up writing, here you go.
Title: Pride and Prickliness
Author: Anj (
Fandom: HP/Pride and Prejudice
Pairing: Severus/??
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6370
Warnings(?): slash and het (only slash graphic), misanthropy, unabashed silliness, directly confiscated Jane Austen quotes.
Pride and Prejudice )
Second -- reveal over at
themostepotente wrote my fabulous gift,
Papaver Somniferum, which is Lucius/Severus and another pairing I adore and full of delicious sensory information and just...GUH.
I wrote for
cmere1, who is just the sweetest thing ever and whose review had me blushing for hours afterward. I was really pleased with the reception -- that fic gave me a tough time, and I was happy it turned out what she wanted.
So in case you missed it, here's...
Title: A More Permanent Arrangement
cmere1Pairing: Remus/Severus, Severus/Draco, Severus/Remus/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,847
Summary: Remus is on his way to a clandestine meeting when he comes across something he doesn't expect.
Author's Notes: Written for
hp_springsmut, for
cmere1, who requested Remus/Draco/(Severus), tie!bondage, dirty talk, wanking, school-age boys, not incredibly dark or unhappy.
Remus felt like he was back in school again.
Well, technically, he thought, looking around the hallway down which he was currently sneaking, he was back in school. He still couldn't understand how Albus had managed to finagle taking him on as Defence professor again after the fuss everyone supposedly made the last time he tried teaching, but he supposed having Lucius Malfoy in Azkaban and the Board of Governors somewhat less...susceptible to 'suggestion' now probably had something to do with it.
Regardless, he wasn't complaining -- he had a job now, and an income, which was certainly keeping him in much better spirits (and robes) than his confinement at Grimmauld Place had, and he had the advantage of being able to be there for Harry, who had taken to lashing out at people rather violently. Remus couldn't blame him, not after what had happened to Sirius, -- Remus had felt quite like lashing out himself, and had done so once he'd found out exactly what had happened -- but it was better that he was there so he could keep an eye on Harry, since he was the only sort of parental figure Harry really had left. He'd seen the way Harry looked -- or rather, didn't look -- at the Headmaster, and knew that the days of the wide-eyed, trusting young boy were gone...had died the instant Sirius fell through that Veil.
In any case, being back at Hogwarts had been advantageous in several different ways -- he had something with which to occupy his time, he had a steady income, he could be there for Harry, he had a steady and reliable source of Wolfsbane...and he no longer needed to find excuses to see Severus.
The two of them had just begun developing...something when Sirius had died, and he'd felt horribly guilty and off-balance for weeks afterward. It wasn't that he and Sirius had been lovers, because they hadn't, not since school, but Sirius and Severus had always loathed each other, regardless of how idiotic Remus thought they were both being, and he'd felt like he was hiding things from his best friend. And then said best friend had died, and he'd been upset, and Severus had made all sorts of conjectures, and really, it had just been a horribly messy couple of months. But now, being back at Hogwarts, where Severus couldn't avoid him anymore, Remus had finally managed to push past those walls that had just begun to crumble before being firmly snapped back into place.
They were, of course, very private individuals, and for good reason, and were both severely scarred at both the physical and the emotional level; that was part of the reason their...whatever had developed in the first place, although Severus would never admit to it, and was also the reason they were being cautious. They weren't willing to rush into any sort of soul-baring, widely advertised relationship, and so they kept their distance, restricting their meetings to two or three times a week, and always in the shadow of night. It wasn't that they were ashamed -- at least, Remus didn't think so -- but rather that they weren't prepared to deal with the consequences of people knowing. Neither of them had the fortitude for the gossip and rumours that were inevitably spawned in such close quarters and by hundreds of curious and often cruel children.
Which was why Remus was currently stealing through the dungeons at some ungodly hour of the night, feeling like he was a Marauder again, sneaking chocolate from the kitchens and hoping Filch wouldn't catch him and make him polish all the trophies with his tongue. He actually didn't mind the sneaking -- it was sort of exciting, like regaining a lost part of his youth that he'd never really had to have, considering the object of his schoolboy lust had been sleeping a bed over and the only issues he'd had were making sure his silencing charms were up to snuff and thinking up excuses when James literally caught them with their pants down a time or two.
If they could only see him now, he thought with something much more akin to wistfulness than guilt. He'd paid his dues already on those counts; he refused to feel guilty for allowing himself some happiness after so many years of being alone, but he did feel sad that they weren't there to at least rib him about it.
And oh, what a ribbing it would have been.
He smiled sadly and quickened his pace, overcome by his need to push away his melancholy with cool fingers and hot mouth, when he heard a soft, muffled sound coming from nearby, and froze, wand instantly at the ready. He didn't expect to come upon Death Eaters or anything of that nature, but years of training had him on his guard at the slightest disturbance, and he flattened himself against the wall, prowling slowly toward the sound, eyes narrowed and a Stupefy on his lips, just in case.
But then he rounded the corner and the word died on the tip of his tongue, eyes widening again as he recognised the other person immediately.
Draco Malfoy.
It wasn't seeing the sixth year there that was a surprise; after all, this was Slytherin territory, and Draco was a Prefect. Remus had had to avoid him carefully on a couple of occasions, not wanting to deal with the repercussions of happening upon someone who would not let him pass unquestioned. But this time was different. This time, Draco was in no position to be asking any questions, considering the fact that he was bound tightly, hands stretched above his head in what was obviously a very uncomfortable position judging by the furrow of pain between Draco's brows, completely naked save the Slytherin tie that had been stuffed into his mouth and looped around the back of his head, gagging him quite thoroughly. As Remus stared, Draco's eyes widened, then narrowed again in obvious displeasure as he jerked futilely at the invisible bonds holding him in place, the message of Get me the fuck out of here as clear as if he'd screamed them at the top of his lungs.
"Finite incantatem," Remus said quickly, and staggered as the released spell caused Draco to slump against him, the weight of Draco's limp arms dragging him almost to the floor before he caught himself and straightened, tugging the tie from around his head.
Remus knew better than to expect thanks -- Draco was a Slytherin, after all, and Remus had quickly learned that gratitude was apparently poisonous to them -- and therefore was not in the least bit surprised when Draco glared at him, pulling himself up very haughtily despite his nudity and curling his lip.
"What are you doing here, Professor?" he spat, making it sound like a bad word.
Remus arched a brow, his concern not abated one bit despite Draco's behaviour. "I might ask the same of you," he said sharply.
Draco sneered, narrowing his eyes. "I'm not breaking any rules, so I don't see what business it is of yours."
Remus stared straight back at him, unfazed. "It is, however, inappropriate for a Prefect to be wandering the castle nude; therefore, I will escort you back to your dormitory so th--"
Remus paused, eyeing the boy. He'd settled his face into an impassive, almost indifferent scowl, but Remus had heard the slightest flash of panic in that voice, and suddenly, it was fairly obvious from where the panic stemmed.
Draco had not been the most popular of students since returning to Hogwarts this year. The Gryffindors especially, headed by Ron and Harry, had taken to taunting him, saying he'd gotten what he deserved, with his father finally being where he belonged. At one time, Remus might have been inclined to agree. But he also remembered Sirius as a boy, and how he'd tried to pretend it didn't bother him that people still equated him with his family despite all his efforts, and Remus knew that punishing a child, no matter how ornery, for the sins of the parent was entirely unfair.
And while he remembered Draco being a horribly contrary little git from his last stint as a professor, he hadn't seen much evidence of that since returning. Yes, he was still cold, and haughty, and vicious at times, but who wouldn't be, when he was constantly ridiculed wherever he went? Even the Slytherins had stopped associating with him, and Remus had heard them on more than one occasion referring to Draco as weak and useless and pathetic. The boy had hidden behind his father's name for his whole life, and now that his father was no longer there to shield him, he was getting the backlash from both sides, those who hated him because of his family, and those who had once respected him for it.
Remus had assumed upon seeing Draco that his rather unfortunate and humiliating situation had been the result of a cruel joke, most likely (as much as he hated to admit it) the Gryffindors, but judging by Draco's reaction to his suggestion, he was now rather certain that the culprits this time had been the Slytherins.
Draco's own housemates.
He narrowed his eyes slightly at the thought and shrugged off his outer robes, passing them to the boy, who was still glaring at him, but who looked both very cold and somewhat distressed even behind his mask of fury. "All right," he answered. "Then we'll go see Professor Snape."
Draco stiffened, staring at the robe as if convinced it would contaminate him. "No."
"Listen, Mister Malfoy." Remus was a patient man, and he did feel some compassion for this person who had quite obviously been ousted by everyone, but he wasn't a saint, and there was only so much he was willing to take. "As far as I'm concerned, you have three choices. I can escort you back to your Common room. I can take you to see the Headmaster and let him decide what to do with you. Or I can take you to Professor Snape. I will not be leaving you in the halls, alone and naked, in the middle of the night, and I refuse to stand here arguing with you about it."
Draco stared at him, mouth half-open and eyes narrowed, but said nothing, and when Remus just stared impassively back, he gritted his teeth, eyeing Remus sullenly as he snatched the robe and wrapped it around his slight figure.
"That's better," Remus said. "Now come with me."
Draco didn't say a word as Remus led him through the halls, past dully flickering torches and dark, cobwebby statues and the occasional portrait, finally arriving at the door in question. Severus had not given him the password, as they weren't yet at that stage in their relationship, but it was probably better that he hadn't, considering the fact that nobody was supposed to know.
The door swung open at Remus' knock, and Remus came face to face with a somewhat irate-looking Severus. "Lupin," he snapped, "I certainly hope there is a very good explanation for--"
"Severus," Remus interrupted him quickly. "I apologise for disturbing you at this late hour, but I found something that belongs to you."
Severus didn't blink, or show any sign that Remus' words had confused him although Remus was quite certain they had, and he was struck once again by how the man could have made such an accomplished spy. Instead, Severus merely let his eyes slide from Remus to Draco, who was standing by looking somewhere between disdainful and respectful (and ergo rather pathetic, if Remus did say so himself), and arched a brow.
"Mister Malfoy," he said.
"Sir," Draco replied, pulling himself up a little bit straighter, the sullen expression gone as his full attention turned to his Head of House, and Remus was that quickly forgotten.
"Would you care to inform me why you are wandering about the corridors at this late hour dressed in nothing but a borrowed robe and your tie? This is hardly appropriate behaviour for a Slytherin Prefect."
Remus bit his tongue, amused at the similarity between their words, but Draco didn't notice, or didn't care, instead lowering his eyes slightly in deference. "I know, sir; unfortunately, it was unavoidable."
Severus stared impassively at his student, arms folded, and Remus wondered how the younger children coped with a Head of House who seemed so indifferent. But then, all the Slytherins seemed to worship Severus, so perhaps this utter dispassion was exactly what they needed, even if Remus couldn't understand it.
Or maybe he could. Severus had, after all, been the only person who hadn't ever pitied him or coddled him or felt sorry for him for any reason, which was why Remus kept going back again and again, finding it a welcome, heartening change from everyone else's behaviour.
Whatever his misgivings, Draco seemed to be responding to it, and Remus hid another smile as Severus stared at Draco with those piercing eyes and asked, "And what, precisely, made it so unavoidable? Surely you are still capable of dressing yourself before leaving your dormitory."
"Yes, sir." Draco's eyes dipped another fraction, and, watching the interactions, Remus felt very much like he was intruding on something private.
After a moment, Severus spoke again, sounding impatient. "And?"
Remus studied Draco, who didn't fidget, or flinch, or even tense, but didn't volunteer any information either. On the one hand, he'd thought Draco would be happy to condemn his classmates for their behaviour; on the other, though, he wasn't surprised that Draco didn't want to seem like he was whining, because that would involve losing face in front of someone he obviously respected quite a lot.
He took pity on the boy. "I found him somewhat...incapacitated in the halls, Severus," he said, and smiled benignly when that dark gaze snapped across to him.
"Incapacitated," Severus repeated, eyeing Remus with narrowed eyes, and then returned his attention to Draco. "Is this true?"
Draco's silence, and the guilty, ashamed expression, was apparently all the answer he needed.
"Very well." He stood aside, leaving enough room for Draco to pass. "You'd best stay here for the night then. Tomorrow we can discuss a more...permanent arrangement."
"Thank you, sir," Draco replied softly, and Remus could hear the relief in his tone, coupled with...something else? His eyes widened slightly and he looked at the boy, who was edging between Severus and the door, but Draco's face was blank and he showed no sign of even acknowledging Remus' presence, and Severus was looking at Draco with something very like concern.
Remus was surprised to find that he was jealous.
He cleared his throat, pulling his gaze from Draco's back to look back up at Severus again, a bitter taste in his mouth. "Well, I suppose I should just be returning to..."
"Don't be ridiculous, Lupin," Severus snapped. "Come in."
Remus fought back a smile of relief as Severus stepped aside to let him in as well, and moved across to the small quadrangle of sofas near the fire as Severus closed and locked the door, then turned to him.
"I shall just be a moment," he said a bit gruffly. "Brandy is on the table. Mister Malfoy, you will come with me."
"Sir," Draco replied softly, eyes still lowered, but his carriage open and attentive as he trailed after Severus into the bedroom. Remus sat down, poured two glasses of brandy, and tried not to let his imagination run away with him.
Severus returned not ten minutes later, carrying Remus' robe over one arm -- a fact that made Remus grit his teeth slightly -- and looking thoroughly disgusted. "Nott is a worthless heathen," he snarled, dropping Remus' robe into his lap and sinking elegantly into a chair, picking up the untouched glass and taking a deep sip.
Remus' eyebrows went up, and he set his robe aside, turning toward Severus silently. It wasn't often that Severus discussed any sort of House-related concerns with him, but he had complained about other sorts of business often enough, and Remus knew the best way to react was to just listen.
"Of course he would organise the entire debacle -- now that Lucius is in Azkaban, he considers himself the new natural leader of the house, and of course, the best way to cement one's leadership is to oust the former leader in as public a manner as possible. Draco was fortunate that he was not left in a more accessible location, else the other houses might have seen him as well. Of course, they do not need to see him humiliated to find fodder with which to torment him."
Remus bit his lip, then set down his glass as well, leaning over to rest a hand gently on Severus' knee. "You care about him."
The wiry muscle of Severus' thigh went taut beneath his palm. "He is a student in my House," Severus replied stiffly. "Public disgrace is unacceptable and a poor example of appropriate behaviour; it is dishonourable to the Slytherin tradition."
Remus smiled slightly, tightening his fingers for a moment before letting go, bringing his hand back to his lap. "You don't want to see him hurt."
Black eyes snapped with irritation. "I do not wish to see my students behaving in a manner unbecoming of what they have been taught."
"He likes you, you know."
Severus froze, meeting Remus' calm gaze with a glare. Defensive. "I should not make a very effective Head of House if he did not."
"Don't play coy, Severus; it doesn't suit you." Remus' smile widened, turned slightly wild, and he slid out of his chair, prowling toward the other man. He wasn't even sure what he was doing; perhaps it was the proximity to the full moon, or perhaps the fact that he knew that what he was saying was true, knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt. "He wants you. And you..."
Remus stopped, understanding. Knowing. "And you want him."
Severus' expression didn't change, but then, it never did, and Remus didn't need it to to know that he was right.
"You do," he breathed, licking his lips and slowly, slowly sinking down to his knees. The burn of jealousy was still eating away at his insides, but it was quickly being overtaken by something else, a realisation that Severus had a naked, beautiful, willing boy in his bed right now...and yet was out here, with Remus.
The thought made Remus simultaneously warm all over and achingly, desperately hard, and he rested his hands on Severus' calves and slid them upward, feeling the quiver of muscle beneath the scratchy wool, the slight hitch of Severus' breath enough to convince him that his advances were far from unwelcome, even with the sleeping boy in the next room.
"Tell me, Severus," he breathed, looking up and licking his lips at the wide-eyed expression on the other man's face, the slight, dull flush staining those sallow cheeks, the parted, thin lips begging to be bitten and sucked. "How long have you wanted him?" He traced fingers over the backs of Severus' knees, grinning ferally when Severus twitched, and then up further, sliding along the inseam of his trousers. "How long have you watched him, wanting to touch that lovely hair, slide your fingers..." He feathered touches across Severus' swollen cock, eyes narrowing, darkening at the hiss he received in response. "...across all that beautiful, pale skin...or between those lush lips...or down the length of his glistening prick--"
"For god's sake, Lupin," Severus burst out, eyes blazing, and Remus bit back a moan at the fire in that dark glare -- anger, yes, but Remus could see hunger there as well, could smell it on him, and he knew he'd cut deeper than even he had intended.
Severus seized him around the wrists, pulling him up from where he was resting on his heels. "He is just a child. Do your perverted fantasies extend to your precious Potter as well, or is that an honour you save to bestow upon my Slytherins?"
Remus merely smiled, although the grip on his wrists was painful, enough to bruise, and met Severus' eyes calmly. "Harry isn't a child," he said. "He hasn't been a child for a long time. And neither is Draco." He blinked once, suddenly feeling tired as he felt the full weight of his words come crashing down onto him. They were none of them children anymore; they'd had that ripped from them as they'd been tossed headlong into the midst of this upcoming war, forced to fight for their lives, to watch people they loved die, and he knew exactly how that felt, had known it since the day he woke up swaddled in bandages with searing points of pain burning through his shoulder.
"And if you treat him like one," he murmured, "then you're going to lose him."
Severus said nothing, eyes narrowed and lips pressed together in a flat, white line, but Remus knew his words had struck home, knew that Severus was concerned about the boy, the boy who was sleeping in his bed right this minute, tangled in those greying sheets the way Remus wanted to be, because Severus cared about him, and didn't care who knew it. And that, regardless of the desire or the hungry look in Severus' eyes, was enough to make Remus forget his melancholy in favour of being jealous all over again.
"Besides," he said, somehow managing to keep the acid from his voice and the beast from his eyes, "regardless of whether he's a child or not, you still want him. Now what does that say about you? Maybe yours is the perversion, Severus, and you're just too afraid to admit it."
The instant the words left his mouth, Remus stiffened, feeling Severus do the same, and he dropped his eyes, realising that this time, he might have gone too far. There were many things Severus was not proud of, and Remus knew it, even if they didn't talk about it, so to bring something like that up, when this, whatever they had, was still so fragile, had not been the brightest idea.
When Remus looked up again, Severus was staring down at him, white-faced, an unreadable expression in his eyes, and Remus felt his stomach twist painfully. "Severus," he murmured, feeling wretched, "I--"
Remus closed his mouth, and his eyes, at the sharp, dark tone to Severus' voice, not wanting to see, not wanting to accept anger and hatred again, not like this, but suddenly he was being jerked upward, and he gasped, eyes flying open of their own accord and meeting Severus', which were positively burning.
"Jealousy, Lupin? It doesn't suit you," he breathed, lip curling slightly, and hauled Remus into a starving kiss.
Remus' gasp turned into a moan as Severus seized him about the waist and dragged him closer, long fingers digging into his spine and teeth sharp against his tongue as Severus devoured him whole, burning liquid heat into his lips and to pool in his belly, and lower, and Remus shuddered violently, arching into Severus' touch, scrambling clumsily to pull himself up into Severus' lap and settle himself properly against the other man's groin, dragging twin groans from their fused mouths.
Hands fumbled with clasps, with buttons and hooks and laces, and as smooth fingers snaked into his shirt to pluck masterfully at his nipples, Remus tore his mouth free, gasping, tossing his head back to suck in deep lungfuls of cooling air.
"I'm not...jealous," he managed after a long moment, fully aware of the growl in his voice, but Severus merely smirked, nothing playful or teasing, but all deep, dark, challenging violence.
"And I'm not afraid," he hissed before twisting his fingers in Remus' shirtfront and yanking him forward again, claiming his mouth with a ferocity Remus had never felt, not from anyone, not even Sirius. Remus welcomed the violence, embraced it, fuelled it even as he felt it fuel something in him, the wolf wakening to spar with its mate, to claim dominance again.
Clothes fell to the floor in a haphazard whirlwind of fabric, buttons flying free to plink against wood and metal and stone, but Remus didn't care, didn't care about anything except having Severus arching and moaning and baring his throat beneath him. But he knew, as always, he was going to have to fight for it -- neither of them was submissive, neither was willing to relinquish control for anything, and sometimes he won their battles for dominance, and sometimes Severus did, and sometimes they got each other off like schoolboys, humping frantically against each other's legs and hips and hands, neither willing to let the other claim him, having been claimed by others, by monsters, for far too long.
This time, it was personal -- the animal beneath the man's skin needed to reclaim his mate, and Remus was not willing to let Severus win this one. He snarled, twisting his head to the side and biting down hard on that pale expanse of throat, and Severus cried out, then growled right back, arching up out of the chair and sending them both tumbling to the floor in a tangle of limbs and the last vestiges of their tattered clothing.
Remus hit the ground hard, but he was running on adrenaline now, and the instant he'd regained his wits, he pushed upward and off the floor, rolling until Severus was pinned beneath him and bending to bite and suck at those thin, kiss-reddened lips, swallowing Severus' gasp with a little growl and giving a firm downward rock of his hips. Severus wasn't about to give up, though, bucking and twisting beneath Remus like a caged animal, and Remus had to pull his head back to avoid getting smashed in the forehead. As he did, he caught a flash of white out of the corner of his eye, and was instantly on guard, stilling his struggles and whipping his head around to stare straight at...
Remus froze, the animal retreating that suddenly, and Severus, unaware of their audience, took advantage of his lack of resistance, rolling them over again and coming up astride Remus' hips, making a sound of triumph. But Remus barely noticed -- he was too busy staring, eyes wide and fixed on the boy, who stared right back at their twined bodies and flushed faces, chin tilted up defiantly and eyes flickering with something indescribable.
After a moment, likely when Severus realised Remus wasn't fighting back, he stopped moving, and slowly lifted his head, hair brushing against Remus' cheek as he turned...and drew in a sharp breath that only Remus could hear. Remus watched the mask melt away from Draco's face, careful blankness turning quickly to hunger, to want, and he was suddenly struck by how expressive the boy's face was, those fine features like ethereal mist, constantly reforming, reshaping. He looked very small, drowning in grey flannel that draped across flawless white skin and slipped down, exposing sharply angled collarbones and a shadowed hollow of throat that dipped as Draco swallowed, and yet the way he held himself, the square of his shoulders and the upward pull of his spine, made him seem both taller and older as he stood there, watching them. Waiting.
As Remus stared, feeling the shock dissolve into horror at being discovered, coupled with a strange, itchy thrum of energy beneath his skin, he realised that Draco was no longer staring at Severus as if he wanted to devour him whole. No, instead those wide grey eyes were fixed...on him.
He blinked, surprised, and oddly aroused; though he'd never considered Draco before in that way, he had to admit, he was beautiful, and obviously knew something of sensuality, judging by the almost coquettish dip of his lashes and the way that blanket was sliding down over one now-bared shoulder. He knew better than to believe it was for his benefit; it was obvious that Draco really wanted Severus, and Severus wanted...
He turned his head slightly, looking at the other man, who was still sprawled atop him, and was shocked to see that instead of ogling Draco, Severus was also looking at him, face an inscrutable mask but eyes smouldering with hunger as Severus asked an unspoken question, and Remus understood, at last. They were asking permission. Of him. Severus was deferring to him, and Draco was...deferring to Severus, and Remus had never felt more powerful in his entire life than he did at that moment when he realised they were both looking to him for their next move.
Remus held very still for a moment, looking up into Severus' face, and then slowly shifted his hands, pushing against Severus' shoulders. Severus' expression did not change, but Remus saw a flash of...something through those dark eyes, and that something made his stomach twist. Bitter acceptance. Severus was so used to not getting what he wanted, the idea that he could have two things, two people, was so ludicrous to him that he was unsurprised at Remus' decision.
Remus sat up, keeping his eyes fixed firmly on Draco's face even as he felt Severus retreat slightly, and raised a hand, reaching out toward Draco.
...I'm not saying no.
Remus watched Draco's eyes widen in surprise, and then darken in acknowledgment, and he felt his breath catch in his throat as Draco shifted, letting the sheet slide to the floor around his feet.
Remus had just seen Draco naked not an hour ago, but he'd not actually looked at him, having been both aware of Draco's discomfort and his own position as an authority figure at the school, and how looking could easily be misconstrued as sexual abuse should Draco choose to report it. But now, Draco was offering himself -- there was no other word for the way he arched his back provocatively and dipped his eyelashes and let his hips sway as he prowled toward them -- and Remus couldn't help staring, feeling the animal beneath the surface stirring to life again alongside his quickly flaring arousal. Severus had gone completely still against him, breath speeding to a rough rasp, and Remus couldn't even feel jealous of it because he felt his own breath doing the same thing.
And for good reason. Draco was beautiful, all long graceful lines and smooth white skin and full pink lips and glowing silver eyes, and Remus had only a moment to wonder how one so young could embody sex so completely before Draco was right there, skin gleaming in the firelight and chest heaving with rapid breaths as he looked down at the two of them as if they were the most delicious thing he'd ever seen.
Remus knew better, of course; knew that Draco was here for Severus, and that he was only looking at Remus because Severus had first. He knew it, had accepted it, and was still willing -- no, still wanted this to happen. He was so sure of it, in fact, that he was shocked when Draco slid gracefully to his knees and reached out toward him, one elegant, long-fingered hand curving around the back of his head and drawing him close until he could taste the boy, breath curling against Remus' lips, eyes lidded, body motionless. Waiting.
Asking permission.
Achingly aware of Severus' knees between his thighs and his face hovering not a foot away, watching them intently, Remus lifted a hand from the rug and ghosted his palm over Draco's back, feeling the blinding heat radiating from all that pale skin, and moving it up, up, over shoulder, over neck, to twine tenderly in that white-gold fall of hair and pull Draco across that last inch of space.
He caught Draco's gasp in his mouth, swallowing it like nectar, and moaned as he found it as delicious as the feeling of silky hair beneath his fingertips and silky skin against his chest. Draco melted against him like white chocolate, mouth opening liquid-perfect beneath his, and he swept his tongue across that full lower lip before drawing it into his mouth and nibbling at it hungrily, feeling heat pooling in his belly at the flavour, all youth and refinement and dark not-quite-innocence, a ghost of a memory flitting through his mind.
But Draco both was and was not like his cousin; he carried himself with that same innate confidence, the elegant curve of spine and haughty tilt of head so like Sirius', but he shivered as Remus skated fingers down his back, arching closer, seeking contact as if starved for it -- and Remus supposed he was. Slytherins were not known for their shows of affection, after all, a fact he remembered every time he touched Severus like this.
At the reminder of the other man, still hovering close by, he pulled back from the kiss, feeling Draco's breath curl against his skin as he licked his lips and turned to where Severus was watching them with a deep and desperate want burning in those fathomless black eyes. Quickly, Remus brought his other hand up to the back of Severus' head, tugging him forward into a kiss that was just as hungry, but with none of the exploratory hesitance. He felt more than heard Draco gasp, spine curving beneath his palm, and he tightened his fingers, dragging them back up to Draco's neck as he pulled back from Severus as well and carefully but firmly guided them into a kiss of their own.
It was...Beautiful didn't even begin to describe the sight of dark hair mingling with light, two pale serpents twining together as if made for it, Draco's body arching against Severus' and Severus' hand possessive, comforting against Draco's back as they devoured each other's mouths with a fervour born of months, years of wanting. Remus watched the interplay of tongues and flash of teeth with growing desire, his cock pulsing sympathetically with every thrust of Severus' tongue and every hoarse moan spilling from between Draco's swollen lips, and he needed more, and soon, or the wolf was going to claw its way out from beneath his skin and devour them all whole.
Unable to tear his eyes from the undeniably erotic sight, Remus reached out blindly, fingers meeting the smooth skin of Severus' stomach, and began to slide his hand downward, feeling muscles tense beneath his palm as Severus stiffened, his breath stuttering to a halt. Remus' lips parted as he felt the heat of Severus' cock against his hand, so very close, and he darted his tongue out to moisten his lower lip as he bridged the distance and brushed fingertips oh so lightly against the burning hot skin.
The reaction was instantaneous. Severus bucked his hips forward, his nearly inaudible hiss sizzling against Draco's mouth, and Remus shuddered, trailing his fingers down the length of Severus' prick, fully aware that Draco had stopped kissing Severus (who was now breathing heavily, head turned away to avoid scrutiny) and was watching him instead, watching the play of his pale fingers against blood-darkened flesh, flesh he'd touched maybe twenty times before, but it had never felt like this, so immediate, so real, and Remus was vaguely aware that this had to do with the fact that they were being watched. He let his eyelids dip, skittering his fingers back up toward the glistening head, and exhaled as Severus made a very soft sound and sank his teeth into his lip to keep from crying out.
Suddenly, Remus found himself mirroring that action as he felt cool, graceful fingers curl around his cock and stroke, with all the no-nonsense determination of a libidinous teenager but none of the fumbling clumsiness of an inexperienced boy. Startled, his eyes snapped to Draco's, but Draco merely looked back, a lazy sort of fondness glistening in those darkened eyes, and slid his fist from base to tip, and back down again, so slowly that Remus thought he might scream, but just the right firmness, the right pressure to make him want to cry out in ecstasy instead.
As Severus bucked up against his hand again, he found that he had stopped moving and was simply gripping, his fist tight at the base of Severus' cock and his fingertips tangled in coarse dark curls. He forced his arm to relax and stop shaking, and shifted closer, twisting his hand as he pulled outward again and pausing to brush his thumb through the shine of precome on the head before dragging slowly back down, unconsciously matching Draco's rhythm on his own prick. He felt drunk, disconnected from his body save for the heavy heat against his palm and the narrow fingers around his cock. Then, those fingers stilled, and he blinked, then felt his eyes glaze over again as he realised that Severus had reached over and now had his fingers wrapped around Draco's cock, matching their tempo.
For a long moment, the only sounds in the room were the slick slide of skin against skin and the ragged, hoarse pants of breath, punctuated by stifled moans. Part of Remus still couldn't reconcile the feel of confident fingers against his prick with the knowledge that Draco was sixteen and a student, but for the most part, the rational part of his brain had dissolved, leaving behind only the recognition of eager, beautiful boy with amazingly talented hands who was willingly touching Remus, eyeing Remus like he wanted to--
Any of that rationality went straight out the window the instant Draco dropped forward face-first into Remus' lap and swallowed him whole.
Remus shouted, squeezing Severus' cock so hard it had to hurt, but the noise Severus made sounded nothing like pain and everything like desperate arousal. He was pretty sure he could understand.
Dimly, he recognised the irony here, that he'd been needling at Severus earlier with talk of Draco's delicious mouth, and now that mouth was wrapped around him and was every bit as talented as he'd implied, that wicked serpentine tongue circling curlicues around the corona of his cock, the slight scrape of teeth not enough to hurt but just right to add that edge of danger, speaking directly to the beast, and he growled, twisting fingers in that fine hair and bucking upward into the hot vise of Draco's throat. Draco moaned, the vibrations making him ache, and he realised that if Draco kept that up, he was going to come very soon, and he wasn't ready to give up this fun quite so soon.
"Stop," he rasped, tightening his fingers, and was both surprised and gratified when Draco paused immediately, lifting his head and looking up with questioning eyes. Remus tried not to moan at the sight of that normally pristine and sneering face flushed and sweaty, lips swollen, eyes black with lust, and instead inhaled sharply, collecting himself, and flicked his gaze from Draco's face to Severus', which bore an expression of barely concealed impatience tempered with obvious desire.
"I think," he breathed hoarsely, well aware that these were the first words spoken in the last half an hour, and that he had complete command of their attention. "I think that...I'd like to watch. Watch you, together."
Their reactions were almost predictable. Severus stiffened, eyes wide with surprise and the faintest hint of objection, though to what Remus wasn't entirely certain, and Draco shivered, eyes rolling back in his head a bit. But Remus simply smiled slightly, ignoring the throb of his own erection in favour of trailing fingers along Severus', feeling it jump beneath his palm, and leaned up to kiss him, a hard, possessive press of lips and teeth, before releasing them both completely and moving back to the edge of the rug, back warmed by the fireplace and eyes fixed firmly on their long, pale limbs and open mouths.
When neither of them made any move, though, Remus bit his lip, feeling suddenly uncertain. He didn't understand why Severus had gone from fighting for dominance to willingness to defer to him so suddenly, but it seemed that he had not yet regained his wits enough to instigate anything on his own. Either that, or he was deliberately refusing to obey Remus' implied order.
Only one way to find out.
"Severus," he breathed, curling an arm around one knee and drawing it to his chest, letting the other drop to the side, leaving him in an utterly wanton pose. He watched Severus' stomach clench, his cock twitching again, and felt his lips curve into the slightest smirk at the recognition that he'd done this, and now held both of them entirely in his thrall. The knowledge was electrifying, and Remus felt his own cock pulse angrily against his thigh.
He ignored it. "Severus," he repeated, lowering his voice to a rough purr. "I want you to kiss him, open that beautiful mouth with your tongue until he's gasping for more. Then, I want you to touch him, so, so slowly, those delicious hands all over that lovely skin of his. Then, when he's shaking and crying out, I want you to take him, slide into him, fuck him deep and slow until he screams your name and comes over those talented fingers."
"Merlin, Lupin," Severus groaned, hands clenching by his sides, pale skin flushing dark and breath speeding audibly.
Remus resisted the urge to grin at how pliant Severus had become so quickly, instead narrowing his eyes slightly and growling, "Can you do that?"
Severus hesitated, turning his head to look at Draco, but Draco merely stared back with the look of someone who'd long since gone catatonic with lust, and apparently that was as much invitation as Severus needed, because instead of answering Remus, he uncurled one hand, slid fingers into ice-blond hair, and pulled Draco up into a deep, claiming kiss.
This was...slower, more deliberate, not as frantic and full of raw lust as that first kiss, but Remus found himself even more aroused than he had been before. They looked...comfortable together, Severus' tongue filling Draco's mouth as if it were meant to be there instead of the usual battle for dominance that it fought with Remus' tongue. Draco's eyes fluttered shut and he let out a sigh, the sound both innocent and unbelievably sexual at the same time, arms winding around Severus' back and pulling their bodies flush, dragging matching hisses from their arched throats.
Remus tore his gaze from the wet interplay of tongues, the steady thrust of muscle into Draco's mouth, the flash of straight white teeth that had to be Draco's digging into Severus' lip, and let his eyes wander over their twined figures, forcibly keeping his hand from his lap for the moment as he watched Severus' long fingers smooth gently over Draco's spine, Draco's arms tense as he tightened his grip on Severus' back, their hips press firmly against each other, moving in a steady, slow undulation even as Severus slowly began to lower Draco down to the floor, Draco's back curving beneath Severus' palm and his legs coming out from beneath him and spreading out to the sides so Severus could settle his hips comfortably between parted white thighs.
Remus couldn't get over how different this all was, hearing the steady chorus of breathless gasps falling from between Draco's kiss-bruised lips answered by Severus' rough moans as he kissed and licked and sucked the blushing skin of Draco's throat and chest, hands busily exploring the ladder of Draco's ribs, the slight angle of his hips, the slight, youthful curve of his arse. Remus couldn't recall a sexual encounter ever being like this. With Sirius, it was rough, desperate fumblings behind drawn curtains and hastily cast silencing spells, or hands down each other's trousers in a dark corner somewhere, or a surreptitious blowjob under the table. The few one night stands he'd had were hurried and hungry, tangling against musty sheets in a cheap hotel, or back against the wall in a dank and dirty alley, nothing exchanged except spit and come and the occasional number that Remus cast to the wind before drawing his hidden wand and Apparating away. And with Severus...with Severus it had always been about dominance, both of them seeing themselves in each other and not sure if this was a good thing or not, each of them wanting to prove he could control the other and therefore himself, neither willing to submit without a fight. It was rough, and demanding, and exciting, and exactly what Remus needed to forget about war, about death, about long-festering hatred...
...or at least, what he thought he needed. But seeing this, seeing Severus so concentrated on bringing pleasure to the writhing, gasping, trembling boy beneath him, those light touches and tender kisses filled with a caring Remus had never seen from Severus before, Remus realised that this was really what he was missing -- not something to help him forget, but something to help him remember what he was fighting for in the first place.
Remus' chest ached with longing, wanting nothing more than to be a part of that, but he couldn't tear his eyes away, couldn't even move to drop his hand to his own lap, so completely entranced was he by the beautiful display of glistening skin and careful trust. His prick throbbed in sympathy as Severus' fingers curled around Draco's cock and pulled, and Draco cried out hoarsely, back arching completely off the floor and head dropping back limply, exposing the long, smooth line of his neck. Severus took that as an invitation, sliding his free hand beneath Draco's back and pulling him up to a half-seated position, sinking teeth into that porcelain throat, and Remus' hips jerked at the groan that rent the air, hands fisting in the soft pile of the rug as Draco's eyes came open wide, fixing wildly on Severus' face, and two words spilled roughly from between swollen red lips.
"Fuck me."
Severus shuddered, a long twist of spine that Remus could feel echoing in his own body, sat back on his heels, and scrabbled for his wand, conjuring a palmful of warm oil. When he released Draco's hip to dip fingers into it, though, Draco grabbed his wrist, shaking his head, and Severus swallowed visibly before letting that hand drop again, and watched Draco dip his own hand in the oil, reaching down and pushing two slick fingers into his body in one smooth slide.
Remus' breath caught painfully in his throat, and he found himself completely unable to even blink, eyes fixed hungrily on the sight of Draco's fingers twisting into his body, opening him up. Without even realising it, his hand lifted from his side and wrapped around his prick, stroking almost gently from tip to base, then gripping tightly as he watched Severus' hand do the same thing, smearing his cock with glistening oil. Draco's mouth was open now, ragged gasps filling the air as he thrust into himself harder and faster, and his eyes bored into Severus', unblinking, wanting, yet cocky at the same time, daring Severus to stop him.
Severus did. With his free hand, he grabbed Draco's wrist, wrenching his hand roughly from his body, and quickly, before Draco had a chance to protest, replaced Draco's fingers with his cock.
Draco's scream went straight to Remus' own aching prick, twining around it and pulling with a violence that surpassed even his own desperate strokes. Remus forced his hand to slow, matching the almost lazy rock of Severus' hips -- he knew, though, looking at the sweat pouring down Severus' back and the way his arms shook, that the slow pace had nothing to do with laziness and was all Severus' determined effort to hold back, to go slow, and deep...just the way Remus had requested.
Moaning softly, Remus lifted his other hand to cup his sac, entranced and unbelievably aroused by the sight of Severus' cock disappearing into another man's body, and even more aroused by the way Draco was positively begging for more, elegant hands clutching at dungeon-pale skin and silver-glistening hair tangling against the black of the rug as his head slid back and forth frantically. Severus continued to fuck into him with that same deliberate slowness, fingers curled against one hip and one hand braced beside Draco's head as he curved over him like a lithe, dangerous panther, hungrily devouring Draco's mouth and neck with equal furor.
Draco twisted his body, hips snapping up to meet Severus', and Severus groaned, shifting his weight and bearing down onto Draco more firmly, though no faster. Apparently, though, this shift was exactly what Draco wanted; he howled, flinging his head back and digging his fingernails into Severus' arm, and Severus gasped sharply, hips jerking forward faster of their own accord. Draco responded by gritting his teeth and tensing his muscles, quite obviously clenching around Severus' cock; judging from the rough growl that exploded from Severus' mouth, followed swiftly by a substantial increase in speed, Remus gathered that he liked that very, very much indeed. For his part, Remus squeezed his balls hard, the pleasure-pain wringing a harsh gasp from his throat, and sped his own strokes, the friction almost unbearable in its intensity and the heat of his prick nearly scalding the skin of his palm. The feel of his hand on his cock and the arousal swelling low in his belly, though, was secondary to the pure pleasure of watching, watching Severus, face screwed up in a grimace of pleasure (only Severus would grimace in pleasure, Remus thought in a strange sort of lustful amusement), pounding into Draco faster and faster, one hand braced on the floor, the other releasing Draco's hip to slide between their bodies and take hold of Draco's prick; watching Draco, eyes black with hunger and mouth open on soundless cries, always so pristine and icy, now undone and so, so hot, flushed pink with lust and drenched in sweat as he arched and twisted and writhed and shook beneath the onslaught, hands clawing desperately at flesh and air; watching, hand now flying over his aching flesh, as Severus' arm twisted, and Draco screamed, arching up off the floor, toes clutching at the carpet and nails pressing scarlet into skin and hair spilling out behind him as he convulsed beautifully in Severus' arms.
Remus gasped helplessly, his own body shaking in sympathetic aftershock, as Severus cradled the trembling boy close, stilling his own hips with obvious effort, but Draco was having none of it, raising one hand to Severus' hair and pulling, sinking his teeth into Severus' throat this time. Severus cried out, body snapping taut again, and swiftly laid Draco back onto the floor and resumed his fast, rough treatment, egged on by Draco's nails against his back and mouth on his neck, his collarbones, his nipples, and Remus shuddered at the intensity burning on Severus' face, a long, low moan tearing from his throat before he could stop it. He froze the instant he realised it, but, to his surprise, so did Severus, entire body jerking to a halt and eyes opening wide as he shuddered and shook and came, a look of complete shock on his face -- a look, Remus noticed with another, softer moan, that was directed entirely at him.
They were both looking at him now, he realised, his entire body feeling suddenly very warm. Severus looked somewhere between amazed at his own behaviour, and guilty that he'd quite obviously forgotten completely about Remus' presence. As Remus blinked, forcing the arousal aside in favour of deciphering that expression, he saw Severus' lips jerk ruthlessly flat, lower lip disappearing into his mouth a bit, and realised that Severus was actually uncomfortable with this fact, his guess confirmed by the flicker of...regret? apology? in those dark eyes.
Remus wasn't quite sure what to feel about this revelation -- it was clear that Severus was looking for...something -- forgiveness, perhaps -- for his transgression, but Remus didn't know that it was necessarily something to be forgiven. Severus wanted Draco, and had wanted him for a long time...but it had taken getting Remus' permission...his suggestion, in fact, to make him do anything about it. And that spoke volumes. Remus, frankly, was more concerned at this point about Draco feeling neglected.
Tearing his eyes away to look down at the boy in question, though, he realised he had nothing to worry about. Draco looked positively wicked, eyes lidded and a feline smirk on his face, and, as Remus stared, breathing hard, hands still twisted between his legs and body aching with renewed need, Draco slipped gracefully out from beneath Severus, making a slight face as Severus' cock slid free, and raised himself to hands and knees, prowling across the floor to where Remus was seated, frozen.
"Was that," Draco purred, his voice low, rough with screams and honeyed with sex, "what you wanted? Remus?"
Remus shuddered at the sound of his name on those lips, sounding like a promise and a threat all at once, and found he was entirely unable to make a verbal response. Draco didn't seem to mind, though: he licked his lips, letting his eyes drag slowly down Remus' chest, leaving quivering muscles in their wake, until they came to rest on Remus' aching groin. His mischievous smile widened into something more, something positively feral, and before Remus could react, Draco seized Remus' wrists, wrenched his hands to the sides, and swallowed him down for the second time that night.
This time, there was no reason for Remus to hold back, nothing keeping him from fucking that evil, hungry mouth with everything he had, and he made a noise between a growl and a groan, struggling futilely against the surprising strength of Draco's grip on his wrists, longing to seize that silky hair and thrust up into that wet red mouth and come down that tight hot throat. His entire world had faded into the feel of tongue and teeth and lips and suction and wet and warmth, so when he suddenly felt the brush of another pair of lips across the straining cords of his throat, he cried out, body jerking in surprise as he whirled to see Severus, looking at him with obvious want and a hint of...hopefulness, lips swollen from another man's kisses but eyes only for him. Remus looked right back, holding Severus' gaze for a long moment despite the delicious way in which Draco was attempting to distract him, and let his lips curve into a smile, the best reassurance he was capable of at the moment. However, it was enough: Severus relaxed visibly, letting out a breath, and almost managed a slight smile of his own as he twined fingers in Remus' hair and kissed him.
Remus groaned, eyes falling shut and mouth opening immediately beneath the assault...but it wasn't an assault, not like he was used to, not at all. Severus' tongue, instead of duelling with his, slid alongside it, slick muscles twining together first in Severus' mouth, then in his, circling around each other, leisurely exploring soft cheeks and uneven teeth and bumpy palates before thrusting against each other easily. A hand slid down his chest, plucking gently at his nipples, and he gasped, hips bucking up toward another wicked mouth, feeling the head of his cock bump the back of Draco's throat. He felt assaulted, senses completely overloaded and muscles screaming at him to move and thrust and shudder and come but he had no idea what he was doing, no sense of time or place or anything but the feeling of being devoured at both ends, and then both mouths left him in unison, twin plosives rending the air as two voices whispered, "Come," and he couldn't do anything but obey as one mouth swallowed his throbbing prick and the other swallowed his ragged screams, two tongues and four hands gentling him through as he convulsed and came in violent hot pulses down arching white throat.
Remus collapsed the instant he'd finished coming, slumping back against Severus' narrow chest, dimly feeling wiry arms wind around his waist, and then the feel of a smooth, unfamiliar body curling up against his side, silky hair brushing his arm and graceful fingers smoothing his hair back from his face. He ached, his skin sizzling with sensitivity and his brain liquefied from the force of his orgasm, but several blinks later, he turned his head, once again able to focus.
Draco, he noted with pleasure, looked much less closed off than he usually did, the lazy contentment on his face clearly stating that any trauma experienced earlier that night had been effectively purged. Remus felt a smug sort of satisfaction at the knowledge that he'd been able to help with that, wondering if Severus ever would have stopped treating Draco as a child and given him what he so obviously wanted had it not been for Remus' interference. He turned his head further, meeting Severus' eyes, and felt the beginnings of that self-satisfied smile disappear entirely at the look in Severus' eyes, dark and oh so promising, hungry in a way he had never seen Severus look hungry before, as if he were hungry for something other than frantic sex.
Well, good, Remus thought. I don't think I could manage another round after that anyhow.
Beneath all that, though, he felt something stirring deep in his chest, something he hadn't felt in a very, very long time, not at all since Sirius died and not really since many years before that. The feeling was pack, in its most fundamental terms.
It was, quite possibly, the last thing Remus had ever expected to feel again, especially when those involved happened to be Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy, of all people, but now that he felt it, he realised it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. He'd seen the caring Severus was capable of, had seen the concern and need to protect this boy, and it had touched something he'd very nearly forgotten he had. And didn't take a genius to tell that Draco wanted this as badly as he'd ever wanted anything, although Remus knew he never would have said a thing. And even if what Draco really wanted was to be with Severus, he could tell by the look in Draco's eyes and the way the boy's head rested comfortably against his arm that Remus wasn't in the least bit unwelcome.
Still holding Severus' eyes, a thousand words passing between them unspoken, Remus smiled slightly and lifted a hand to rest against Draco's back. "Draco," he said softly, thinking about no more hidden nights and lonely beds and bare rooms and empty chairs, "I think...we may have found you a more permanent arrangement."
I have a bunch of recs and other fic stuffs to mention as well, but I think this post is too long. So I'll leave it at that for now. Stay tuned for part 2.
*loves you all very, very much*