Oct 11, 2010 13:33
Just like I knew it would happen, my work is beginning to pile up. It's not necessarily hard work, but I still don't want to do it. In any case, I figured that I should make a list of the stuff I have to do so I don't forget. Every time I make my list on paper I lose it, so it's best to have it here
✔ Lesson 4 and 5 typing drills (TS 100) - 10/12
✖ One-page synopsis of comic plot (ART 297C) - 10/13
✔ Work on 'Super Personality Self-Portrait/Collage' (ART 186)
✖ Watch Notorious and complete shot analysis worksheet (FSS 203) - 10/14
✖ Group Presentation on 1930-1940: Politics (COM 297M) - 10/14
✖ Powerpoint presentation on Akira Toriyama (ART 297C) - 10/20
✖ Film Studies Paper - How do the technical details of the movie influence the meaning of the sequence or the film not immediately obvious from the storyline? (FSS 203) - 10/21
✖ Midterm Paper on Blondie (COM 297M) - 10/21
✖ Finish character sheets and backgrounds(ART 297C)
✖ Start laying out comic (ART 297C)
I'll be so happy when next week is over *sigh*
busy busy busy,
to-do list of sorts