i did it~!

Oct 07, 2010 08:52

✖ I have my internet back~! The new modem had come in on Tuesday - a whole day earlier than I expected. As soon as I got it, I hooked it right up. It feels so good to have uninterrupted internet access again.

✖ After months and months, I finally made a new post at skiesareorange! It's the Durarara!! moodtheme I talked about making a while back. It's only a black and white version right now, but I do plan on getting around to making a colored version.

Seven months after filing for graduation, and my degree audit finally comes in. Luckily, I'm not missing any classes or credits, which means that there is nothing stopping me from graduating. My expected date of graduation is December 23. I'm happy, but that extreme nervousness is popping up again. I've been going to school for the past 19 years of my life - it feels weird that it's ending.

On the other hand, my class are becoming both more fun and more troubling. We started working on collages in Digital Design using pictures of ourselves. I'm working on an image with the narrative of a dark angel who aspires to be on the light side...kinda. It's hard to explain, but it's really fun to work on - I'll show you guys when I'm done! In my Graphic Novel class, we were working on setting and backgrounds, and we have to write a one-page synopsis of the story for our comic. I've had this story on my mind for years, it shouldn't be too hard.

In another one of my classes, we have a group presentation every week, and my group is supposed to present next week. I emailed my group about meeting times last week and got absolutely no reply. THIS is why I hate working in groups. I'll be seeing them in class today, and I swear, if they don't pull their weight, I'm gonna be pissed.

✖ Lately, I've been having trouble eating. I've suspected it for a while, but this past week has made it abundantly clear that my body can't process starch properly. It felt like there was a rock in my stomach, and the pain was excruciating. I was pretty much on a liquid diet over the weekend. All I had was pretty much water mixed with corn syrup, broth, and some meat here and there for substance. It's not that I can't have any starch, but I have to be really careful. And now I'm almost too scared to eat anything.

✖ In good news, I just beat Professor Layton and the Unwound Future~! It was such a great game, but that's all I posting about it for now. I plan on making a full spoilery post about it later~

school, wall of text, life, orange skies, pimping

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