speaking from the heart

Jul 13, 2010 22:09

It feels like it's been forever since I last posted. Of course, that's my fault - I just needed to step away for a while. I was emotionally unstable for a couple days; I was either weepy and depressed or violent and angry, but I'm okay now. Actually, I'm a lot better than I thought I would be, considering how upset I was. And I have you guys to thank, so thank you for being there for me ♥

✖ Yesterday I finished episode 6 of Umineko. This episode is by far my favorite - I loved nearly everything about it. I was constantly on the edge of my seat, then my laptop suddenly restarted and I freaked the hell out, since I hadn't had a chance to save It turned out okay though. As a whole though, I just love this series so much. The characters are awesome, the development is awesome, and I love how it constantly makes me rethink my theories. I plan on starting over from episode 1, now that I have a new perspective on it.

I've also been inspired to finish this. I've got a lot more to do with it, but I'm sure it'll come out fine

✖ Now that I think about it, I haven't finished watching Durarara yet - I've still got three episodes left. It's not for lack of wanting to; I just haven't got around to it. So pleeease don't spoil me if you have finished. I also need to finish up on that moodtheme of mine /kicks self

✖ I've also decided against buying more icons. I am planning on redoing them though. It's tedious, but worth it. Plus, I like coming up with keywords |D

Thank you guys again ♥

friends: ilu gaiz, singing its praises, bullet points are cool

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