I wish I didn't have work to do ;_;

Mar 01, 2010 22:38

I loved this past chapter of Fairy Tail. When they showed Edora!Natsu at the end of last chapter, I thought he was so cool, but when I got to this page I just fell in love with him. He's just so adorable (blush)

There also seems to be more hints towards a Natsu/Lucy relationship - not that I mind, I like Natsu/Lucy. Plus, I liked how Mishima handled the Haru/Elie relationship in Rave Master. In the end though, we'll just have to see what happens.

✎ The past few chapters of Reborn! have been full of so much wtf, that I was this close to just giving up the series. Then this chapter came along. It started off just as bad as the others ones, but then came that Gamma/Uni part. Oh my god, I think I was going to cry - Gamma is one of my favorite characters, and while I always kind of shipped Gamma/Uni, this chapter made me ship them hard. It was just so sad and sweet and alkdhfshf /cries

✎ Today was Devon's birthday~! He was so excited this morning, he was singing and everything. We didn't actually do much for him today, since we all had work and school, but he knows that we celebrate birthdays on the weekend and he's looking forward to it. I have to get used to saying he's 10 instead of 9 now.

✎ I've been sick a lot lately. Part of it is probably the weather, but most likely it's just my body breaking down. I hate to admit it though. I've been under a lot of stress lately too, and that probably isn't helping much

Ahaha, I forgot the rest of what I was going to write about. Oh well, I've got work to do anyway |D

random stuff, manga

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