As Lem, a character in the MUD Imperian, winter 2004.

Oct 04, 2019 19:29

The Four Forms of the Quadrivium
A Monk's Guide to the Seasons

"Move through forms as gracefully as the transitory seasons."

Page 1: Introduction

The following associations may be made between the seasons, their
qualities, the forms of Lord Janus, the elements, and the conditions
of the spirit.

Spring: Rebirth, Green Man, Water, Empathy
Summer: Growth, Emerald Lord, Fire, Courage
Autumn: Harvest, Copper Prince, Heaven, Wisdom
Winter: Rest, Grey King, Earth, Love

You will note that between each season, there is what I refer to as a
"duality" of each season. Because one season cannot come to be without
the season before it, there is a natural duality, a union if you will,
between each season. The beauty of the seasons is that in this way,
they are all inseperable, flowing together like a piece of music with
four movements. They are different, yet one. Thus, each year is
inseperable from the last. From the day you are born and throughout
the rest of your days, it is important to realize that you are living
in one season, the season of life.

Page 3: Spring

Spring is a time of Rebirth. The Green Man is born of the Grey King.
It is important to know that, contrary to common belief, the winter
does not end. The transitory period is not instant. Winter snows melt
and feed rivers, ice thaws over weeks, revitalizing Aetherius. The
shift in air tempurature allows for heavy clouds to form in the sky,
and the rain begins to fall. This is not merely an act of spring, but
a Union of winter and spring. It is only when summer begins that the
union of winter and spring has ended. We must pay our respects to
water in this rainy season, as the land is replenished, so may our
minds be. Spend time meditating under a thawing waterfall, concentrate
on the motion of a stream. Water moves effortlessly over, under,
around or through any obstacle, following its path and reaching its
destination where it begins its journey anew. Through meditation,
concentration, and determination, our minds as well may flow freely.
It is in this state that we can truly understand our relevance, our
connection to each other, to all living things, to Aetherius itself.

-Spring Summer Duality-
The foundations of training and commitment to living a courageous life.

Page 4: Summer

Summer is a time of Growth. The Green Man grows into the Emerald Lord,
as our planet flourishes with life. The sun provides us with light and
warmth, and allows our food to grow. Our physical growth can be
attributed to these elements of nature, but our inner growth is a
matter of willpower and courage. One cannot simply attain the black
belt, they must train for it, suffer for it, be humbled for it.
Taekate and Kaido are wisdoms that are passed down from Master to
Student, physical traditions with no true written or spoken
equivelents. The only way to learn is to train. One who seeks power
without honesty, strength without suffering, or wisdom without study,
has done so without recognizing courage. the fire within us that
drives every thought and movement. When a student harnesses it, they
become one with it. One who lives a life of valour grows swiftly in

-Summer Autumn Duality-
Seeking wisdom with a solid heart.

Page 5: Autumn

Autumn is a time of Harvest. The Emerald Lord becomes the Copper
Prince. Harvesting the food we plant is nessecary to our survival. It
is the only way to ensure a prosperous, healthy winter. This is also a
time of wisdom, of intense study and training. As the air becomes
cooler, meditate amidst the shedding trees, and notice the sound of
the wind as it passes through the branches. Observe the paths of
falling leaves. The wind determines their destination, as our wisdom
determines ours. We are not so fated by knowledge, but like the leaf,
it is all about knowing precisely when to fall into the embrace of the
autumn breeze. Wisdom is obtained directly from the sky, the ocean,
the trees and our own hearts. By becoming one with these things
through study and meditation, we can better live our lives and harvest
the non-material riches from the seeds planted.

-Autumn Winter Duality-
Applying what we have learned to the Winter Meditation.

Page 6: Winter

Winter is a time of Rest. The Copper Prince, Lord Janus assumes his
final Quadriium form, the Grey King. Some choose to meditate through
large portions of this season, to chant quietly and regain their inner
calm and strength, which over a typical year can be quite drained.
Climbing to the peak of Mount Yilun, one can survey the lands below,
and contemplate the nature of our existence on this plane. An amazing
series of events has taken place here, and has allowed for each of us
to be born and exist as the being we are. That is the gift of the
earth, and winter is the ideal time to be grateful, as everything
freezes over and the nights grow long. It is when we begin to lose
signs of life in our surroundings that we realize the virtue of love.
Life is precious. We must love our family and those we hold dear, as
well as the vast collective of beings we share this planet with. We
must love the plants and animals that are sacrificed, and hold each in
highest regards. This love is still and quiet, like the pristine
blankets of winter snow.

-Winter Spring Duality-
Returning to the world with heart and mind open.
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