Thank you everyone for dealing & voting in the tie breaker polls. Fortunately all ties were broken & the results could be posted. This took forever for me to code, it was so so so so much. ;A; FINALLY thank you to all who participated & nommed, voted, second, etc. With out your help & enthusiasm this comm would of fallen apart. ;A; So thank you!
Below the cut are the winners. BEWARE! It's an icon heavy post. All the winners are under this cut. BTW: For categories with less than 4 nominees, 2 winners were picked. For categories with less than 3 nominees, 1 winner was picked. Congrats to all the winners. You get nothing~ ;D Thank you btw.
Tysm again for participating & congrats to the winners. You get nothing except your name there. :V Should of split this post but my head is pounding & I just want to go to bed tbh. :/