Feb 07, 2006 23:17
I've been getting many msgs on MSN and reading many journals that are addressing the horrible cartoons of the most honorable, beloved individual in Islam --and a mercy to the world, I might add-- Prophet Muhammed, SAW. Well as a Muslim, I acted in a very predictable way. You know the feeling you get when someone says something mean about your mother, and you just want to punch them in the face? Well, that's how I felt, and more.
Now, it's not the most mature way to feel. However, it got me to think about something I read about a few years ago. I believe I was in the 6th or 7th grade, I was at Madrassa, and I started to read this book about the end of time and the day of judgment. Well, one of the signs was that no Muslim shall be free. This is before the Mahdi, Dajjal and Isa A.S. At the time I thought that every Muslim will be in jail! I was shocked and scared, I didn't want to go to jail! But as you grow older you learn that there are different forms of freedom, and that yes, now our Ummah is losing it's freedom, slowly but surely. Some of us are not able to practice our religion, we are being oppressed, we are being ridiculed. As the years pass, it's getting worse and worse. Subhan'Allah. It's time that we now, more then ever, work on ourselves. We're not perfect, however, with Allah's help and guidance, we can make our lives worthwhile, and Insh'Allah gain His mercy and Jannah.
It's 11:30 at night as I write this, and I know I'm not the most eloquent of writer's, nor do I convey my msg in the intended way, however, I hope that this helps someone, anyone, realize just how short this life is. I've realized that, and that in the end, we are all but visiters in this world.
May Allah grant us Jannah and have mercy on our souls in this life and in the next. Lastly, May Allah send His blessing upon our Beloved Prophet Muhammed SAW, give him the highest rank in Jannah, and allow him to intercede for us on the Day of Judgment. Ameen.