May 25, 2007 00:39
So I will try to keep this as clean from spoilers (anime/LOST/Harry Potter/random sci-fi anyways) as I can. but I must vent.
So, I watched LOST last night. Yep, one of my top 3 favorite charcters died (luckily for those of you who haven't seen the episode, none of you know who my top 3 are). I've been pretty upset about it. In fact, I don't think I've ever been this upset about a character death before. The closest was Trigun, it took me some time to get over it, but I'll leave it at that. I'd probably have been pretty upset about the end of Star Trek: DS9 if I'd actually seen it, and if Andre hadn't already told me. What about Serenity? That was unnecessary. =P
I've managed to come to terms with the deaths that occured throughout the last 3 Harry potter books (granted, I don't think one of them really died). BUT! you know they're totally going to kill Harry, and I'm really not seeing the point in that. Ok, let's have this tortured character whose whole purpose throughout these books you've invester yourself in is to be a fucking martyr. Yeah, that's not bunk... -_-;
Naruto liked to do this thing where they made you think they killed off 2 characters when they didn't so they can screw around with your emotions and probably kill them later on. Well, I do know 2 died in the manga (don't tell me kids, let me watch the anime and find out) and I'm sure I'll have a hard time with that.
And Fullmetal Alchemist. Really? REALLY? C'mon!
OK. So I sound like an over-emotional crazy person who can't handle when characters die. They're characters so I should just get over it right? Well bite me! I am a person who gets heavily invested in character development. The plot can be shit, but as long as you have some awesome characters who I really give a crap about, then I can overlook that and still love the show/movie/book. If you notice with most of my favorite shows I never have one favorite character. It's usually a top 3.
(Maybe I also have a hard time dealing with the thought of death?)
(Maybe it's b/c I'm PMSing and stressing out over the fact that I can't afford Ireland b/c I have found out less than 2 weeks before I leave that I actually DO have to pay for housing (see - the last 2 cryptic LJs, I didn't want to get into it if I didn't know what was going to happen). Luckily, I think it's sorted out and I think I've come to a final decision. More on that later.)
So once again, why must I watch these shows or read these books where I am horribly tortured with character death!?