"Genius always needs an audience."

Jun 01, 2012 07:36

I've been reading some Sherlock Holmes lately, and thus somehow wandered onto some websites with different Riddles on them. One that came up a lot was something called "Einstein's Riddle." According to most sources, Albert Einstein wrote it near the beginning of the 1900's and claimed that only 2% of the population could solve it. However we now know that isn't true because I just solved it on my first attempt. Seriously. I will scan the sheet of paper I solved it on if anyone wants proof.

Here is the riddle if any of you wanna take a crack at it. (http://www.manbottle.com/trivia/einstein_s_riddle)

This is my actual response to solving the riddle correctly moments ago:

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More of my response to solving the riddle:

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