Friends locked up in Femiscyra.

Sep 20, 2008 02:35

For no reason at all, here are what your various teammates say when you pick them to be locked up in the Femiscyra dungeon during one of the scenarios in Dragon Quest IV, in approximate order of hilariousness (by the way, my heroine's name is Li-Mae):

Kiryl: Always the Goddess is watching over us. Here I wait and pray that suspicions against us are soon vanished.

Meena: I can able to see in the mists of clarity that the criminal has traveled to south. Li-Mae. Track this naughty-naughty man down, please.

Ragnar: Losh! I cannae believe I'm here in jail suspected o' cheggin'. Ye've got tae set aboot findin' the real thief an' provin' ma innocence, Li-Mae.

Torneko: I knew it! I knew it'd be meself that ye'd be choosin' to lock up. 'Tis Murphy's Law, so it is. But I believe in ye. Ye'll find the crook an' free me from this hole soon enough.

Maya: No! Don't be leaving me in here! This is obviously a nonsense! Oof, I am hating you now, Li-Mae!

Alena: Never am I forgiving this thief for accusing wrongly myself and companions. But I must to admit that novelty of being in jail for first time is interesting one.

Borya: Never did I imagine I am in jail at this age of my life. But I can be glad for respite of protecting Tsarevna if I am secure behind bars.

(By the way, go buy DQ4. Like right now. Thanks.)
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